The True Messed Up Story of Pocahontas | Adam Ruins Everything

Published 2018-03-27
Animated Adam paints with all the colors of the truth to illustrate the real story of Pocahontas. Watch all-new episodes of Adam Ruins Everything Presents: ReAnimated History on truTV!

Adam Ruins Everything - Adam Conover, CollegeHumor's resident know-it-all and major bummer, takes on society's biggest misconceptions.

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All Comments (21)
  • @bigjavo36
    Bold of you to assume that Pocahontas being 10 would have stopped John Smith from taking her as a “lover”
  • "30 Women, sexual favors, i smell a G rated childrens film!" -some random guy on the internet 2018
  • @labanredowl17
    Her name wasn't even Pocahontas either, it was Matoaka. And her story is tragic and Disney decided to profit off it.
  • The worst part is the Disney Version depicted Kocoum as being the short-fused aggressive one who attacked John Smith when in reality he was actually a pretty chill guy and John Smith was the perverted jerk.
  • @scribbles336
    John Smith wrote the first fan fiction to date.
  • @hngh6404
    Native Americans: minding their own business. Colonists: Hippity hoppity your kid is my property
  • @unnamed1613
    Most of the old Disney movies have pretty dark origins, especialy those based on the Grimm´s Tales In the original "Sleeping Beauty" for example, Aurora wasn´t saved by the prince. After his kiss didn´t broke the spell, he raped her while she slept and got her pregnant. Her children were the ones who gave her a "Kiss of true love" and woke her up, ten years later.
  • @brenbones551
    "The violent native seeks to crush me with his bear like grip!" Me when someone tries to hug me.
  • @rorygamble8599
    Fun fact, her name wasn't actually Pocahontas, it was Matoaka
  • @machete660
    “The real story of pocahontas is way darker” Yeah no shit it was a disney movie
  • @lazyken6468
    I take history, this isn’t in my textbook. Should I sue the school for misinformation?
  • So much for romanticizing history, John Smith. Why the dislikes? It's like people want to use romanticized history as actual history.
  • @AzureToroto
    John Smith is a colonial fanfiction writer.
  • @tuck295q
    As a Chinese born in Thailand, I would like to apologize for ever invented gun powder and trade it with the British.... 😭
  • Pocahontas being 10 years old John Smith: Jokes on you, I'm into that shit