Best Man Speech for Alex, my brother

Alex gave me a 5 minute limit on this speech.  That wont be a problem, Wheaton men never last longer then 5 minutes.  Sorry about your wedding night Fernanda.
there comes a time in everyone's life where they meet their one true love, their soulmate, the person who is going to know and love them for the rest of their life.  That moment came for Alex in May of 1986 when he met me, then soiled himself immediately.  For those of you who don't know me, I'm Dan Wheaton.  I'm Alex's more attractive, older brother.  
Weddings are a special time. Its when 2 people come together and declare, that out of 7 billion people on the planet, this is the best man in the world.  i want to say thank you, and you guys are right.  you see, for a long time, i always thought i was the best, and now its official.  If this is your first time at one of Alex's weddings, welcome.  If you have been here before, welcome back.  
I am a bit nervous speaking in front of all you you.  A friend of mine told public speaking is easier if you imagine everyone naked.  With that in mind, Fernanda, bridesmaids, Mrs Speigel, you all look fantastic tonight.  Terell, put that thing away, your making the rest of us look bad.  Fernanda, and Alex, it is an honor to stand up here today, and share this day with you.  I cant be more happy for you two. 
I wanted this speech to come from a place of brotherly love.  The kind of love like, knocking the video game controller out of my hand so you could beat me, or sending me a text while im in the middle east saying," happy birthday. Mom made me say that." 
I planned on coming up here and making fun of Alex relentlessly for about 5 minutes, but mom told me i had to be nice.  And i planned on listening, but then Alex told me the wedding planner asked him who was most likely to cause a scene at the wedding and i came in second.  Alex should have know better then to tell me that.  im pretty competitive and i don't plan on coming in second.  
In all seriousness, the Bride, Fernanda, you look elegant and stunning, and its clear to everyone how Alex has become so enchanted by you.  But to be honest, her beauty is making Alex look just a little more handsome than he actually is.  Alex, you need just keep standing next to her, it helps.  
Today is a really great day.  Alex, you are so lucky.  Today you will leave here with a wife who is warm, loving, caring, and beautiful.  And Fernanda, today when you leave here you will leave with a lovely dress, and some really nice flowers.  In a way it is a sad day for men around the world, with Fernanda officially off the market.  And for the ladies of the world, its probably just another day.  They say the key to a good wedding speech is to shower the bride and groom with compliments.  For Fernanda thats an easy box to check.  She is smart, shes funny, shes kind, shes beautiful.  But for Alex... you got to dig a little deeper.  its things like, he has hair, he knows words, he is smart enough to be marrying up.  
Alex has been a support system at the worst of times, a friend to laugh and joke with in the best of times.  
I really am so happy for both of you.  and seeing you two together, you both just looks complete.  Fernanda, please put your left hand flat on the table. Alex, please place your hand on top of hers. Enjoy this moment Alex, because it’s the first and last time in your marriage that you’ll have the upper hand.  Everyone raise a Glass.  I love you Both:  Fernanda and Alex, I wish you nothing but happiness, and success for the rest of your years.  Congratulations to the Newlyweds, Alex and Fernanda Wheaton.  I love you both...  Mom made me say that.

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