dubble cylinder engine 100% working

Published 2022-07-28

All Comments (21)
  • First principle of creating a free energy system: Have a raised wooden platform to hide batteries.
  • @riverman8891
    Thank you for posting this video. I was paralysed waist down for 15 years but after watching this video you gave me the courage to stand up and threw myself out of the window. Appreciated 🙏
  • @Simon_r2600
    Wow, awesome build! I cant belive its working! You did a really good job hiding the cables from the power source to the electric motor!
  • This invention completely breaks law of conservation of energy... Einstein and newton would have fainted looking at this guy's extra ordinary knowledge... 😂😂
  • he may not have really created a system that produces energy from nothing but with 17 million views he has produced money out of thin air! 😁
  • Reasons why this man is a genius 1. Keeps simple instrumentals and doesn't speak a word to remove language barriers and attract international viewers 2. Makes interesting thumbnails that attract professionals too. 3. Manages to hide the wire
  • @dwood2342
    It would have been cool to see it running at 7:44 in the video. I mean if the magnets worked you didn't need to attach the Dynamo to see it run, but I think we all know the reason why it was not shown before the Dynamo was added
  • @wadimos3037
    Как здорово что в этой паралельной вселенной напряжение брошенное на гениратор не замедляет его вращение
  • @mtrhf8529
    Будьте осторожны! Я собрал такую же модель и при запуске обороты сразу стали повышаться. Через 10 секунд моторчик раскалился до красна, фанера разлетелась, а еще через 2 секунды моторчик пробил бетонное перекрытие и улетел в небо оставляя дымовой след как от ракеты. То место на столе где был моторчик появилась пространственно временная аномалия, я вижу там и будущее и прошлое.
  • @itsglitz5401
    It's very difficult task to hide the power supply wires with motor but he did easily 👏👏👏👏
  • @crosleyman50
    The people from the 80's and beyond would remember the way bike lights with the generator were. Even with a tiny light bulb it took work to get it to light.
  • Saving this under my "How To" playlist for when my kids start having science projects in school.
  • @atteleo
    I put this video on loop and voila !! My phone is never running out of battery, what an invention I must say
  • Когда не знаешь физики и химии - мир становится таким чудесным!..
  • How simple yet so elegant! Definitely going to show this to my junior high physics science class.
  • @johnslugger
    Truly a genius at hiding electric cords or even concealing batteries or hiding power transmission coils like the ones you use to charge your cell phone cord-lessly.
  • 🔥🔥🔥 вчера собрал такую штуку но только на 8 шприцов. Да так удачно вышло что начал продавать соседям электричество . Спасибо !
  • This is brilliant, kudos to you. This is a perfect example how to make money on YouTube: - No talk, to get worldwide audience - Simple keywords to get people's attention but vague enough to not make any false claims - Good camera and video editing to make it interesting - Short video, to make people watch the whole thing While this engine is clearly impossible, there is no claim in the video stating that there is no other source of energy. So if anybody complains, the video creator can argue this is just like any magic video you see on YouTube. Again, Brilliant
  • @ashutosh8
    Are you genius sir.... Salute hai aap ko 🙋‍♂️