Valleys Extreme 2024 Afternoon Highlights

Published 2024-01-29
What a weekend it was at the Valleys Extreme. Riding bikes and just having the social crack with a lot of nice people. With the venue being what it is in size as well as other time factors I decided just to really focus on the main event. There was a lot of walking and fighting through spectators to get footage where I could. Unfortunately I did not see the finish as I could not get back in time but the top three were, Manni Lettenbichler, Mitch Brightmore & Jonny Walker in that order. I'll be back soon with something else.
#eurotek #ridenutrition #valleysextreme

All Comments (7)
  • @HardEnduroAddict
    Cheers for the coverage Robbo. At least the Welsh weather was kind to you even if the English wasn’t 😂
  • @Nasphotography13
    Cheers Robbo a great video thank you for sharing, I have what is probably a really daft question, at the start of the Vid I seen a rider drilling holes into his mousse, being more trials based why would they do that, as I say probably a really daft question
  • Hi robbo great video once again, have u ever had a tpi reflash Ecu, and tsp head at all and what are your thoughts worth the money? thanks
  • @charliesmith9042
    Did you manage to record all the starts of the PM race mate? My mrs didn’t record the start! 🙄