Sadhguru's recent surgery is a lesson for us all

Published 2024-04-24
Sadhguru’s recent surgery is a lesson for us all.

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00:00 - Intro
00:53 - Sadhguru’s Surgery
07:16 - Doctor’s Statements
09:39 - Core message

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All Comments (21)
  • @nfuel99
    Note that Sadguru didn't not go to Ayush, but to modern medicine, only his suporters will go to Ayush.
  • @vish3161
    Let me relate a true story. My wife is a prominent Dermatologist and one day a patient from Kerala came to her with some lesions on the skin. My wife diagnosed it as localized Melanoma and asked him to go to Tata Memorial Cancer center for further treatment . Instead of doing as told, this man goes back to Kerala to some Ayurvedic center where they treated him with some oils to be rubbed on the affected part. 8 months later the patient showed up again with extensive metastasis and at Tata Memorial it was found to be Stage 4 Melanoma and he died a month later. What was a perfectly curable malignancy at stage 0 or 1 which could have simply been excised had spread all over his body just because he placed his faith in quackery ..
  • When Sadhguru went into surgery , first thing I asked myself was if he can heal himself with meditation, why couldn’t he do it now 😂
  • @iamvishal5258
    Sadguru promoted ayurvedic, when he is critical situation, he choose modern operation
  • This channel has always given me hope for India which is now dying gradually. I've now come to realise that irrational and gullible people will always outnumber the rational and freerthinkers. However, it's still a breath of fresh air to see a community of young rationalists who can see the world for what it is.
  • Modern medicine is more suitable for acute conditions, Ayuvedic for maintaining health. Both science and spirituality can work hand in hand.
  • @ohihassan693
    Nah man, Sadguru is Deadpool. He has superfast healing factor
  • @ArcDar
    The first time I saw a video of you, you were criticising Sadhguru's Phsuedoscience. I was a little disturbed, but I didn't hate you or become angry because of what Sadhguru had inspired me to be like (I was an active Isha meditator). Now, I have filtered the useful from the Phsuedoscience, and I have to say, as soon as I stopped deceiving myself, your videos have become much more important in my view. We fight on the same front my friend. Let's partake in moving humanity from superstition to evidence-based knowledge. All love and respect.
  • @parna7522
    Your channel is like a breath in the fresh air..
  • @zmaster3982
    I can't believe the things happening in the real world . " People have lost their minds " fits the world of today perfectly ... Maybe it always has.
  • Is this the guy who said he threw his textbooks?? Fortunately some people read those textbooks and they are now saving his life.
  • Men like Sadguru are so powerful in our society that even Doctors avoid the truth so that people of India may put ill remark about the said doctor. As SDG was saying doctors tried to find out something but couldn't. What is this ? This is the previlage SDG type persons have unquestioned.
  • @abhishekroy910
    Don’t forget us, been with you since you had 10k if I remember right. Keep up the good work!
  • @dardemanish.s7
    I just reached your channel, after dhruv rathee promoted your channel
  • I had insomnia for 50 days a month after my retina detachment surgery. I was diagnosed with adjustment disorder, ptsd , anxiety etc . I tried everything the western medicine threw at me. But I didn’t recover. I went to Vellore & recovered almost 100% . I know it sounds like quackery but I’m going back again to offer thanks 🙏🏼.
  • @GarYcoolZ
    My father law passed away recently he suffered from heart failure but he never in his life went to a proper screening and treatment. He was drawn to art of living and naturopathy. I hope people can make rational choices and listen to their body
  • @BMohantyone
    I refreshed like 13 times just to see whether my computer got some problem and how it changed it's name to MicroStrategy... Why did it happened, Pranav?
  • @SayanMuhuri
    MicroStrategy is the best channel, I don't know who is this Science is Dope. Jokes apart, love to see new upload. Can we have the MDH Everest Spices controversy explanation soon?