This Idea Will Make You Unstoppable

Published 2023-12-23
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All Comments (21)
  • @leonjhendrix
    Happy holidays party people! The final video of the series will come out in the next few days and will be an unedited, long reflection of this year's lessons with some good (and bad) news.

    Also, while I'm here - subscribe to our newsletter ya cute bugger:

    I send out valuable nuggets weekly, no fluff.

    Thoughts on the idea of the winner effect? 👇
  • This is the guy that got me into selfimprovement when I was 15. It's been 3 years since then and I'm convinced, he's the most underrated youtuber out there. If you're reading this Leon: I don't think you understand how inspiring you actually are. You're absolutely amazing, never stop posting videos or I'll probably cry myself to sleep.
  • @Jonathan-xo2gb
    1. Acknowledge and count your wins
    2. Reward efforts, not outcomes
    3. Easy wins first, then stack
    4. Build self trust in your word
    5. Manage expectations
    6. Visualisation

    You're welcome

    Thankyou winners and best wishes for 2024
  • Excellent video as always but here is my problem I have been making losses trying to make profit trading. I thought trading demo account is just like trading the real market... can anyone help me out or at least advise me on what to do
  • @michal_kowal
    The first point of "winning is subjective" reminded me of a monk's story who was building a wall, as part of the monastery construction, and upon finishing it he noticed 2 crooked bricks. He got so annoyed with himself for making such mistake. He couldn't fix it anymore as the wall dried up and there's been lots of work done at this point. He left it and every time he looked at the wall he could only see those 2 crooked bricks...until another monk came and said "you built a beautiful wall". He responded "but look at those 2 crooked bricks" to which the other monk responded " what about those other 998 bricks that you placed perfectly well? ".
    Don't hold to your 2 crooked bricks.
  • I’m 21 years old, and in the last 3 years I’ve been winning at life, I’ve worked 4 jobs at the same time, started 2 businesses, moved my parents out their old house, got in the best shape of my life, but from the beginning of this year, I’ve fallen in a downward spiral, this video, at this moment gave me so much motivation to get back to work it’s incredible. I leave this here, because I’m going to be back in 6 months, on November 12 2024 and give an update about how I progressed, and trust me, I’ll be back as a winner.
  • @Lulelly
    Your uncle is right, using his videos I managed to go from being a decade + blue collar worker (cleaner to be precise) to an AI engineer with multiple degrees (top universities) in just under 7 years and now an engineer. I was an adult/mature student and was in the same class as 17 year olds who bragged about attending schools for the gifted. Guess what, all the praising their parents did for them set them back terribly. I graduated first and was the only one who was able to land multiple professional job offers. I always hype myself even for the smallest things. Showing up in class on time, "great job", turning off the lights after a long day, "you did great". Day to day, I do not compare myself because we all have different starting points and circumstances. There is only one of me. Most importantly, I learned how to set goals on different levels, track and measure my efforts and define the right metrics. You can't really compare how well one video did over another despite same effort because there are many parameters unknown to you that are beyond your functional control or tweaking. We do not live in a deterministic world. When it comes to winning you literally have to decide you are a winner, and let that be your identity despite what "results" you see. Effort by itself is one of the biggest most underrated things, most people never even start, remaining in the game by itself is a winning metric. Measure the right things, but most importantly define your bigger goals before you start tweaking your days because that will be your NorthStar. You also have to trick your brain into continuing to see yourself as a winner, sponsor the right thoughts and not disempowering thoughts like "I put the same effort in both videos and one did poorly", that is not empowering. You also can't overly rely on external feedback and validation from your viewers, at the end of the day, what you say and think of yourself despite external evidence is what matters to you. All the best and remember you're already a winner by virtue of being born on this beautiful planet and having life in you.
  • @daimahou3951
    My take from the video: This guy is simply visualizing Andrew Huberman as his uncle.
  • Leon losing subscribers/ viewers proves that his style of teaching works — True winners wouldn’t constantly need to view videos like this on youtube, right? .. At around the age of 16, Leon was also one of the first channels that sparked my interest into this whole kind of topic. For that I wanna say THANK YOU.
  • @belljoe
    I was advised to diversify my portfolio among several assets such as stocks and bonds since this can protect my portfolio for retirement. I'm seeking to invest $200K across markets but don't know where to start.
  • @prz88
    What is the name of the book and author?
  • A little resume for me to re-look the important points:
    1- Acknowledge and count your wins(that makes you boost your motivation to get more wins)
    2-Reward efforts, not outcomes(fall in love with the process, not only the outcomes, not its good to feel demotivated for a loss)
    3- Easy wins first, then stack(If you win once in a little thing this are going to help you to win the next one)
    4-Build self-trust in your word(never say things that you aint going to do)
    5- Manage expectations(Not having unreal expectations, being realistic)
    6- Visualization( Our mind dont notice the difference between reality and imagination).
    Thanks for the video thanksdoc
  • I think the reason why your videos are not making as many views like other channels or go viral because you are sharing real lesson for people who are suffering to improve their lives, and they are fewer in number, only people whom trying hard till reaching their breaking point will get it. We are rare
  • @batman_rna
    Who else grew up being told "you're so smart,but lazy" you're unlearning all the unhealthy habits and finally winning battles against yourself
  • @Cliffer_
    Theres an Brazillian writer, which my girlfriend loves one of his phrases that in some way fits into your video,

    "You don't have to fight to be better than anyone else, you need to fight to be better every day with yourself." -Olavo de Carvalho

    when you see big sucess in others, you fell defeated, but when you see small sucess in yourself, you fell motivated, thats what i've learned, thank you so much Leon!
  • @ShadrackIbiso
    In my experience the best way to get the 'winner effect' in your life is to transform your body...I was skinny all my life and then decided to hit the gym and transform my body. Within 8 months I made good progress and ever since then I've been so much more confident to do anything and take on any current physique serves as a constant reminder that I can do anything I put my mind to do and it gives me that 'winner effect'