Story Time: I Almost Failed Weed-Free 2019 After 2 Months

Published 2020-02-19
1-on-1 skype sessions: [email protected]

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My Back Story With Weed:

For eight years, from 2010-2017, I smoked almost every day. Although many people smoke every day, I did it in a way that avoided emotions and responsibilities that I (1) didn't want to deal with and (2) didn't know how to deal with.

As such, my life down spiraled in many ways. Simply put, smoking weed was my entire purpose and the only thing that made me feel good.

Without any goals and aspirations, or rather, without pursuing and achieving goals and aspirations, my life became empty. In the hopes of creating a better life, I felt that quitting pot for life was the only solution. It was a do or die type mentality.

From 2011-2017, I was frustrated with my inability to stay committed and quit weed.

Here's the key, I was focused on the wrong thing. Rather than focusing on the actions it takes to achieve my goals, I focused on actions that it took to not smoke weed. Achieving our goals has nothing to do with smoking or not smoking, it has to do with doing the things one must do in order to achieve one's goals.

That also includes the way one smokes weed. But it's only part of the picture.

Thus, I stopped trying to quit, because ultimately I LOVE weed and the benefits it can have for people.

What I also stopped doing was smoking in a way that hurt me and took me away from my goals.

Now a days, I focus primarily on the creation of my goals and dreams. I align all my actions and lifestyle with this primary goal. This includes aligning the way I use pot to serve my purpose.

I no longer smoke everyday. I no longer smoke every week. Currently, I only smoke when I've achieved certain goals. Cause goals are more important than being high.

What works for me is this: Being high is only allowed when the goals are being achieved. Otherwise, being high is a waste of time, energy, and ultimately not empowering on a daily basis.

I get what I truly want now. I achieve the goals and I still enjoy the beauty of marijuana when it fits in my life!

All Comments (7)
  • Man been watching you awhile. Throughout the shit and the good. I totally understand this! And gives so much hope. I really do agree, you gotta create those new 'No' Nuro pathways until they become habitus. Until it is normal, then you deserve to say 'Yes' and use those 'Yes pathways' in the brain like its a game when you achieve real physical positive life results. And respect to you being able to document real truth. To understand when you have smoked, why you have smoked, and to ask yourself these questions around ANY life pleasures is a real strength within. Most run and hide from this shit. People like me and you can sit down, watch these kinds of things, ask these questions and still not put ourselves down for smoking, but instead divert all that time and energy into understanding why we are, to be aware of the fact that we can't do it to hide problems within, so by asking these questions, we call out the devil instead of dancing with the devil. Trust me I've been in places where there are people like this over chocolate, and it is NO different. Once people understand this more, there will be major positive changes happen. Good luck my man!
  • @charli9083
    “Did we commit to this? Yes let’s smoke!!” Bloody hilarious yet so true
  • @MikeV8652
    I've never smoked weed or even had a friend who used it, but I can relate to every bit of your story when I was ending my porn use and my masturbtion. Therefore, I think that everything you said here about you and weed applies to your current efforts against these other habits. It takes commitment, and one must have the integrity to abide by his commitments to himself. You know how to do that, so you should be able to become a fap-free man. It would help to start thinking of yourself as one already, and begin to live it as a done deal! Promptly dismiss any thoughts with "No, I don't do that anymore."
  • @ajlove6969
    One day 47 after smoking for a really long time and it’s not easy still, I’m trying to hang in there I hope things get better for me, I feel like I’m in hell sometimes, Marijuana with drawls are real!!
  • @HaikesXO
    aren’t you back to smoking tho?