Supreme Court overturns decades-old Chevron decision

Published 2024-06-28

All Comments (21)
  • @studlord9970
    Isn't there a precedent or a legal principal which says that if a statute is unclear, it is , by default, unconstituional? If no reasonable person can understand a law, how can it be valid?
  • Government agencies have been abusing the Chevron act for years: these agencies don't even try to follow federal law when there is something they want to fact,they violate their own rules and regulations and use Chevron as an escape hatch. Nevertheless..Nevertheless, I don't believe that it is the SC job ti fix this problem...Congress should have taken action years ago to reign in these administrative agencies which report directly to doing this the SC has created a (Coomas) word for contradictory and confusing outcomes...stay tuned"its going to be a bumpy ride".
  • @rudewalking
    If you like lead poisoning, food poisoning, unsafe planes, toxic companies in your back yard, un democratic unscrupulous lower courts deciding how much cancer causing chemicals are in your water, this is a great day for you.
  • And how about the fun new rulings about the Securities Exchange Commission?
  • @Anurania
    If lawmakers want something they need to put it in law. That's their job. You can't ask the courts to do everything.
  • The problem is that these governmental agencies consider actual experts to be "tainted" and refuse to hire them, choosing instead to hire a "pure" candidate who knows nothing about the industry he or she is supposed to regulate.
  • Tyranny suffered a big setback today with the elimination of Chevron Deference. 🚀
  • In Florida, arbritrary and capricious rulemaking by unappealable private entity step up for students happened no less than four times this year. In a single year. This isn’t just rules change every 4-8 years. This is rules change every quarter or more. Who can make decisions with that kind of volatility?
  • @miken7629
    That Chevron Law made Bureaucracy the fourth and most powerful branch of government.
  • @jwo7777777
    You paint it as a win for conservative and business interests when it is rather a win for representative based policy over agency leadership cronyism whiplash every 4~8 years.
  • Alito's corruption has exceeded that of Thomas! Thomas's interest lies in his wife's income from her leased land. The explanation is lengthy but is outlined in snippets as follows: "The wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito leased a plot of land to an oil and natural gas company while the judge was weakening the powers of the Environmental Protection Agency, report says". "In June 2022, Justice Samuel Alito's wife leased a plot of land in Oklahoma to an oil and gas company. Alito's wife stands to earn 3/16ths of the money generated from the land should extraction prove successful. Alito in several rulings before the court has been part of majority decisions to reduce the scope of the EPA." "But the oil and gas lease troubles many environmentalists given Justice Alito's role in weakening the scope of the Environmental Protection Agency in several cases that have come before the court."
  • @vincenttiene
    The main purpose of a company is to maximize profit at any costs. Without strict regulations, consumers/workers will pay the price.
  • He didn’t organize anything he told everyone to stand down before the J6 ever started it was on television.