Bangladesh Authorities Maintain Tight Control Despite Apparent Calm Following Deadly Unrest

Published 2024-07-23
Bangladesh remained without internet for a fifth day and the government declared a public holiday on Monday, as authorities maintained tight control despite apparent calm following a court order that scaled back a controversial system for allocating government jobs that sparked violent protests.
This comes after a curfew with a shoot-on-sight order was installed days earlier and military personnel could be seen patrolling the capital and other areas.
The South Asian country witnessed clashes between the police and mainly student protesters demanding an end to a quota that reserved 30 per cent of government jobs for relatives of veterans who fought in Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971.
#bangladesh #bangladeshi #riots #protests #sheikhhasina #curfew

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All Comments (17)
  • @Nahid-cb9di
    The government does not see the human rights organization students😢
  • @MUJIBURist
    The daughter eats in the name of the father, the grandson eats in the name of the daughter, the daughter eats in the name of the grandson, the nation will fast. The father's profession will be inherited by the son, after the son by the grandson. The farmer's son will become a farmer. Nation built on quotas! Let the quota system be abolished, let the talented be freed
  • @Mylifestyle595
    Please save the student society and general public of Bangladesh. Dictator Hasina killed the students. Now sending army to every house and torturing their parents, brothers and sisters. Please save us. Step down Hasina
  • These jokers can’t fight Pakistan And students how can they protect their country
  • @palanik1960
    They will find free path to enter India .. via Bengal with blessings of manthaaji
  • @shamsulkhan7354
    This claim of calm is Sheikh Hasia and her regime's very old overused game of lies; but this time she and her propaganda and law-enforcement agencies are behaving the same way the similar agencies of the then military regime of Yahya Khan and his occupation forces behaved in the then East Pakistan in 1971-- including by committing GENOCIDE against its own people. The latest number of protesters being killed seem to be much above 500 as per the hospital sources—though unofficial counts would be much much higher--- with more than few thousands injured. As Bangladesh news media has become inoperative, the real figure of casualties may only be revealed when the total internet and mobile blackout is lifted. Bangladesh Police (whose chief had already been sanctioned by the US for human rights violations), the Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) of the Bangladesh Police--- also sanctioned as an organisation by the US for gross violations of human rights), and the paramilitary Bangladesh Border Guard (BGB) seem to be using live bullets now --- instead of rubber bullets which some of them has used earlier (most photographs of individuals killed during the protests now bears signs of a single gunshot wound, in contrast to earlier dead bodies that bore signs of numerous rubber bullet wounds) -- to quell the protests by the students since the imposition of total internet and mobile communication shutdowns. Earlier, some of these forces were accused of shooting directly at the heads of the demonstrators with live bullets and strafing from RAB helicopters with live bullets. These are clear violations of the rule of legitimate use of force by states/governments which is permitted under international law. All should now demand that not only the perpetrating officers but also the command structures of these forces-- along with their political masters -- be investigated for 'criminal culpability' in crimes against humanity by the Office of the Prosecutor of ICC. For many Bangladeshis the saddest part in all these is that when so many common Bangladeshis are so touched by the sympathy and warmth (and support for the students') displayed by many Indians, particularly young people, towards them during the most tragic times of their lives, many Indian so-called South Bloc, RAW deep-state Bangladesh experts – with their jaundiced views – are causing obstacles in creating a friendly people-to-people relationship between Bangladesh and India. For example, if any Indian digs deep --- beyond the propaganda of the 'godi media --- one will certainly learn the truth (and the truth shall make one free) that the 'boycott India' movement, currently gaining momentum in Bangladesh, is primarily aimed at creating an awareness in India about how disappointed, how heart-broken, the Bangladeshis are in seeing that the Indian government -- particularly the deep-state, more specifically the RAW under the careful eyes of Ajit Doval -- are primarily keeping this unelected fascist mafioso -- albeit -- regime of Hasina in power and, thereby, instead of focusing more on people-to-relations between the two countries (irrespective of which party runs the government in either country) preferring to deal with a puppet regime even if that means destroying democracy in Bangladesh and working with an unelected mafioso regime. The majority Bangladeshis simply wanted many in India (who simply keep their eyes shut to the role of RAW and Ajit Doval in keeping in power a hated unelected fascist mafioso regime) to take cognizance of the simple lesson of history that one can neither protect democracy in one's own country by destroying the democracy in its neighbouring country nor by pretending to be the champions of democracy only to consent to see democracy destroyed in its neighbouring state for its narrowly defined short-term "national security interests'. Bangladeshis do understand the genuine security concerns of many Indians about ensuring the security of its seven sisters; however, this can be better achieved by having closer and friendly people-to-people relationship than through putting all eggs in one basket and blindly supporting an unelected fascist mafioso vassal regime.
  • @MUJIBURist
    The daughter eats in the name of the father, the grandson eats in the name of the daughter, the daughter eats in the name of the grandson, the nation will fast. The father's profession will be inherited by the son, after the son by the grandson. The farmer's son will become a farmer. Nation built on quotas! Let the quota system be abolished, let the talented be freed