Wendy Wright's Drinking Game part 2

Published 2011-06-24
More fun with Wendy Wright.. The game is simple: you drink-up every time she says CREA-TOR or EVIDENCE.

Music by: Megadeth (Symphony of Destruction)
Kreator (Storming With Menace; album: Terrible Certainty)

Australopithecus specimen DIK-1/1 (Selam)

Craniofacial variation in Homo habilis: An analysis of the evidence for multiple species

Natural history of Homo erectus

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Homo habilis specimen
KNM-ER 1813

London Museum of Natural History Neanderthal page

All Comments (10)
  • @Juicexlx
    Long time fan. Only seen them last year... Lol! Glad you share the fun. BlueIzePt Hahahaha Kreator
  • @mrbill1032
    wow, you've already got a part three and I'm just now looking at two... I guess that's why you're making videos and I'm watching them... thumbs up to your work ethic. It seems to me this is going in a good direction, that is, if we treat creationist arguments more like a drinking game and less like a worthwhile opinion, we're giving them exactly the treatment they deserve.
  • @mrbill1032
    @Juicexlx You're exactly right in this reply. This interview is an extended cut of a video made for a BBC science documentary, and the intention was clearly to show the kind of nonsense that passes for reasoned opinion here in america.
  • @skywize
    @Juicexlx Disgusted, yes... and CREEPED OUT! The glassy eyes, and the too sweet smile make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. She reminds me a bit of Deloris Umbridge from Harry Potter. The smile says "I'll allow you to speak now, and take care of the matter once you fall asleep."
  • @brindow1
    If it was explained clearly to her that 2+2 =4 she would probably reply "How do you really know-where is the proof". LOL. I think she's an alien !
  • @Juicexlx
    @skywize The more closely I watch the interview, the more I'm convinced that R.Dawkins went through all of this knowing that viewers would gain more from listening to her nonsense than if he was to pwdn her a**, hence the extraneous effort of patience he displayed. Oh, she's more than a cult member. She has a political/activist agenda and in order to promote her backwards ideas, she'll stoop at the worst forms of lies, denial and deformation of facts and arguments. I am truly disgusted.
  • @Juicexlx
    Exactly! The crazy women at Concerned Women For America (CWFA). Bought and paid for by GOP super PAC. At one point in the US Primaries, they were endorsing Cain for POTUS. rofl! ''Show me the evidences''... Bahahaha!