How Nullifier Actually Works: Explained in 17 Minutes

Published 2024-04-26
We thought we'd continue our series explaining how items work by going over Nullifier: the best offensive dispel item in the game. We break down every item that it counters and show just how many hero abilities it counteracts too! Pretty impressive, huh?

Shout out to ‪@zzadrianzz‬ who popularised this style of DOTA 2 content. If you see this, we hope you understand we're replicating your titling to help the algorithm get these videos out to our shared audiences who want to understand the game better. It's all love from our end!

You can find our full playlist of DOTA videos from various creators that explain how items and mechanics of DOTA actually work from Adrian and other creators like ‪@ZQuixotix‬ ‪@PainDota‬ and ‪@BalloonDota‬.    • How DOTA 2 Actually Works  

00:00 - How Nullifier Actually Works
02:34 - Strongest Items that Nullifier directly counters
04:27 - Other Items Nullifier counters (Not Recommended for just these items)
05:56 - Updated Interaction with BKB and Disjoints/Reflections
06:51 - How Nullifier Counters Hero Abilities
09:05 - Heroes which Nullifier gives Strong Counterplay against
13:27 - Heroes which Nullifier Hard Counters - these heroes alone justify a Nullifier purchase

Aeon Disk: Immediately removes protective barrier
Glimmer Cape: Barrier and Invisibility purged
Ghost Scepter / Ethereal Blade: Ethereal state purgeable
Euls / Wind Waker: Immediately returns hero to the ground if cast by an enemy. Nullifier does not stop allies from putting enemies in a Cyclone since it is a debuff. Thank you to users mikawesseling320 and shortcircuited5069 for the correction
Force Staff: Only pushes 100 units. Hurricane Pike works the same if ally-cast, but interacts normally if cast on enemy.
Crimson Guard: Removes physical barrier. Cannot dispel magic barrier from Pipe of Insight
Disperser: Allied movement speed boost purgeable
Mjollnir: Static Charge active purgeable
Pavise / Solar Crest: Purges Barrier and additional buffs
Drums of Endurance / Boots of Bearing: Active speed boost purgeable
Swift Blink: Movement Speed and Agility bonus buff purgeable
Mask of Madness: Purges Beserk active and puts item on cooldown. Removes the silence and armor penalty too.
Urn of Shadows / Spirit Vessel: Purges healing and consumes the charge.

Earthshaker - Enchant Totem (purges bonus damage, doesn’t disable jump through Scepter)
Elder Titan - Astral Spirit bonus purged
Legion Commander - Press The Attack & Overwhelming Odds purged
Ogre Magi - Bloodlust purgeable
Omniknight - Repel not purged due to Debuff Immunity, Guardian Angel is though. (Repel is only dispelled by Shadow Demon's ult Demonic Purge since it pierces Debuff Immunity - credit to A H for the catch on that one)
Primal Beast - Onslaught purged after short distance
Slardar - Guardian Sprint purged
Spirit Breaker - Bulldoze purged
Sven - Warcry purged
Treant Protector - Living Armor purged

Anti-Mage - Counter Spell can be purged but Nullifier can be reflected
Bloodseeker - Bloodrage purgeable, Barrier from Scepter also purgeable (credit to cynicsoul6451)
Clinkz - Strafe purgeable
Ember Spirit - Flame Guard purged
Gyrocopter - Rocket Barrage purged
Hoodwink - Scurry purged
Monkey King - Bonus damage and lifesteal buff through Jingu Mastery after hitting an enemy 3 times is purgeable, robbing him of the benefits.
Phantom Assassin - Phantom Strike buff purgeable
Phantom Lancer - Phantom Rush purgeable
Sniper - Take Aim purgeable
Ursa - Overpower purgeable

Grimstoke - causes Ink Swell to instantly pop, ministunning if cast after Nullifier applies, or stunning for its current duration if Nullifier is applied after Ink Swell was
Leshrac - Nihilism (Scepter) is purgeable
Lich - Frost Shield purgeable
Nature’s Prophet - Purges buff from Teleportation
Necrophos - Purges Ghost Shroud
Oracle - Purges Fate’s Edict and the healing of Purifying Flames
Pugna - Purges Decrepify
Storm Spirit - Purges his Overload procs
Tinker - Defense Matrix purgeable
Warlock - Shadow Word cast on ally can be purged

Abaddon - Aphotic Shield purgeable
Brewmaster - Purges his Cinder Brew buff, robbing him of bonus multipliers to Drunken Brawler variants
Clockwerk - Jetpack (Shard) purgeable
Dark Seer - Ion Shell and Surge both purgeable
Invoker - Alacrity purgeable
Magnus - Overpower purgeable
Mirana - Purges the bonus movement and attack speed, but doesn’t stop the Leap
Pangolier - Purges barrier from Shield Crash
Snapfitr - Lil' Shredder buff purgeable (credit to lull9075)
Techies - Instantly detonates Reactive Tazer, similar to Grimstroke’s Ink Swell
Timbersaw - will purge the barrier building up from Timbersaw Scepter
Vengeful Spirit - Purges the barrier from Nether Swap
Visage - Purges Grave Chill buff
Void Spirit - Barrier from Resonant Pulse purgeable
Windranger - Windrun purged

All Comments (21)
  • @beneaththeveil
    Corrections: As of 7.35b the Nullify active now lasts 4s instead of 5s so has a 40% uptime instead of 50%. Units under the Nullify active are now also slowed by 10% for the duration. 3:55 - Nullifier does not prevent an ally from cycloning an enemy as that is considered a debuff, where Nullifier only removes buffs. That's on us for not realising the same spell can be considered a buff or debuff depending on who it is cast on. Thank you to users mikawesseling320 and shortcircuited5069 for the correction. 13:45 - despite saying that Repel is dispellable: it isn't actually dispelled by Nullifier. Spells which pierce Debuff Immunity and also dispel the target such as Doom's Doom, Winter Wyvern's Winter's Curse and Shadow Demon's Demonic Purge will all dispel Repel. Thank you to user A H for this one that slipped us by. Game continues to be hard. Please do check the description for all item and hero ability interactions with Nullifier. Shout out to zzadrianzz who popularised this style of DOTA 2 content. You can find our full playlist of DOTA videos from various creators that explain how items and mechanics of DOTA actually work from Adrian and other creators like ZQuixotix, PainDota and BalloonDota as well as links to their channels by looking in the description as well. Good luck and Happy Gaming!
  • you dont know how hard i was trying to find information on this item... thank you bro.
  • @cynicsoul6451
    Ever had a game with raidboss built bloodseeker (aghs scepter + bloodstone) where he just can't seem to have his hp get lower than full? Chances are, he's probably had a huge stack of hp barrier from his aghs scepter effect and will keep stacking up barrier from his ability overheals up to 50% of his max hp. This makes Bloodseeker so tanky while continuously dealing lots of dmg. With nullifier, you can immediately bring that barrier to zero and keep him from stacking up hp barrier for the duration of nullifier. From there, use every hp regen reducing spells or items you have to keep him from regaining hp from his thirst and bloodstone.
  • @robindegu7294
    At the risk of my current spam hero being nerfed/banned… wanted to share that shadow demon ult is essentially a better/more flexible/upgradable version of nullifier
  • @xIcarus227
    One thing I don't see often but works in my Legend bracket is buying nullifier early-ish when you need damage. The best example is PA, if I see that the enemy team has good physical damage and no undispellable saves I don't even think about getting Deso but get Nulli instead. That way I solve the following problems: 1. enemy supports can't save themselves, I can genuinely feed on them 25 min into the game and they can't do anything about it as long as BKB is on 2. I get good damage, definitely not as much as a fully upgraded Deso but it's comparable early when not upgraded 3. I get good protection against physical damage, meaning PA is even less likely to die from physical damage 4. I can put the brakes on certain enemy core heroes such as MK, because his Jingu mastery buff is dispelled by Nullifier which makes him super sad in the midgame And the best yet, you force enemy supports into awkward itemization choices. Imagine their pos5 has their first defensive item half-done and they see you with a Nulli. Do they finish the item? Do they get baited into getting Linken which you can pop very easily? Super underrated in my opinion.
  • @KapitanMeyour
    I need more of this item breakdown video. Nice one!
  • @VenomRaven
    I've been waiting for a video just like this for the last couple of years. Thank you so much!
  • @IceKangChang
    This level of explanation and analysis truly deserves some love <3 look forward to seeing more of these in your videos!
  • @kexle8768
    This is a great video! The hardest part of getting back into the game imo is figuring out item sense again and all the interactions between reworked items, I def want to see more videos like this!
  • @lalazao
    the best video ever! very freaking good! please do more break downs like this!! you are amazing
  • @samueljames8654
    I think for windrunner you should mention that at 25 windrunner gets windrun can not be dispelled as an option. as you are viewing this more from the perspective of a late game item the fact that a talent nullifies the effect is not ideal
  • @doublehelim
    Loved your video. Very detailed and exactly what i was looking for. Subscribed :) Keep it up!!
  • @SuperMaxxxey
    this is very informative i used to think this item became useless after they removed the mute. thanks now i know how to deal with soo many buffs when i play carry.
  • @rayyanzaidi3323
    Dude you are amazing, I was looking for this information for so long and You helped me. Thankyou <3
  • @lucasng4203
    Amazing video, really enjoying these types of videos, great info
  • @joffrey13
    love this kind of content. Hope you can make more Item and Hero detailed guides.
  • @frances2191
    more or less new to dota. this is great, super informational and understandable :^) if you have time, a quick conclusion/summary/rehash of the entire video at the end would be really helpful just to repeat the main points. Thanks again! earned a sub for sure
  • @lardoram
    Thank you fir the helpful info! I never see this item bought in my games and i think its in part to people not quite understanding the item
  • @Undead94100
    There are a bunch of additional dispellable buffs that can be removed by Nullifier, although the impact from doing so varies a lot. These are: Alchemist's Berserk Potion (Shard) Ogre Magi's Fire Shield (Shard) Primal Beast's Uproar (the buff itself, not the stack counter) Slardar's Guardian Sprint Bloodseeker's Blood Mist barrier (Scepter) Clinkz' Strafe Drow Ranger's Gust movement speed bonus Gyrocopter's Rocket Barrage Phantom Lancer's Phantom Rush Sniper's Concussive Grenade self-knockback (Shard) Spectre's Dispersion active (Shard) Keeper of the Light's Recall (Shard) Lina's Laguna Blade supercharge (removes buff that provides 10/15 Fiery Soul stacks upon cast, but 7 regular stacks will still remain) Shadow Demon's Disseminate (when applied as a buff) Warlock's Upheaval attack speed bonus (talent, only when lingering outside of Upheaval's radius) Beastmaster's Primal Roar movement speed bonus Chen's Penitence (removes Chen's bonus attack range buff and attackers' attack speed buff, but attack speed buff will be reapplied when a unit with Penitence is being attacked after Nullifier's duration is over) Lone Druid's Savage Roar buff (Shard) Snapfire's Lil' Shredder Vengeful Spirit's stolen armor and damage buff (talent) Mjollnir's Static Charge
  • @Skrill_72
    Earned a sub, please more high MMR content like this