Access Beginner Tutorial

Published 2020-01-31
Access Beginner Tutorial

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Who it's For: Access is designed for people who are comfortable with spreadsheet programs like Excel. These users need more power and analyzation, as well as a stronger forward-facing interface.

What it is: Access is a database creation and management program. It helps you design, build, and interface with a robust database to help your organization run smoothly. Many small to medium-sized businesses use Access for this exact purpose.

What You'll Learn: This course starts with database basics, terms, and information you’ll need to confidently build your database later on. Then, you’ll learn how to build tables, determine relationships, query data, and create simple-to-use interfaces that other people at your company can use to interact with your data.

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Part 1
Start: 0:00
Opening a Sample Database 0:03
The Database Objects 8:57
The Interface 14:51
Introducing Tables 20:12
Simple Data Entry 27:48
Introducing Queries 31:01
Practicing Data Entry in Queries 40:01
Introducing Forms 41:06
Data Entry Into Forms 46:49
Introducing Reports 47:35
Sorting to Create Groups 53:33
Finding Data in Tables 1:04:28
Filtering 1:10:30
Adding Total Rows 1:20:15
Starting a New Database 1:24:14
Creating Tables in Design View 1:33:02
Entering Your First Record 1:47:22
Using Quick Starts to Create Tables 1:51:12
Entering Data Into Your Second Table 2:10:25
Summary 2:19:34

Part 2
Introduction 2:22:28
Looking at the First Draft of a Database 2:23:29
Creating Relationships with Lookup Lists 2:29:41
The Relationships Window 2:33:33
Relating by Dragging Field Names 2:36:52
Dragging to Create 1-to-1 Relationships 2:57:30
Changing Dragged Relationships to Lookup Relationships 3:00:30
Limit-To-List Properties 3:09:43
Enforced Referential Integrity 3:15:12
Seeing the Referential Integrity Being Enforced 3:22:41
Cascade Edits and Deletions 3:26:52
More Field Properties 3:33:55


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All Comments (21)
  • @jamesgrant5945
    Dear Sir I would just like to say that whilst browsing the internet looking for information on how to create a personal database using Access 2019, I stumbled onto your video “Access Beginner Tutorial”. I learnt more in half an hour of watching the video that I had in days. Dan McAllister is such a good teacher. Takes you through each section and gives you time to try every little thing. He has such a wonderful calming voice, unlike presenters of other video’s. He does you credit. I’ll be sticking with your video and hoping that the information sinks into this 68 year old brain sufficiently for me to produce the database I need. Thank you
  • This is the best course for MS Access that I found on YouTube. I appreciate you for creating that much valuable content freely available to all. Thank you very much!
  • Thank you so much. I have now watched this 3 times. Made a complex database (at least by my standard). Made tons of mistakes. Came back here to get the basics right. You covered it all. But for a newbie making mistakes was important learning. What an amazing course. Onwards and upwards.
  • @MaineBassGuy
    I like that the humor, anecdotes, and personality come forward slowly throughout the video. Like, I've lured you in with my professional acumen but keeping you here for Steven Wright and Billy Crystal references.
  • A silky voice, excellent sense of humour and superb quality course. Dan McAllistar, thank you! I really enjoyed following along.
  • @mepshtain
    Dear Dan, I learned Access many years ago ,1995, but have not used it since. Now I wanted to design a database for my work and came to look for a refreshment and what a surprise!. You are a great teacher know exactly how to present a subject and how to lead your student especially on such a remote learning. I enjoyed every moment. Thank you so much. So many thinks we can learn from the way you teach. Well done.
  • @arunshinde1507
    This tutorial is amazing for beginners. The flow of session is maintained brilliently till end. You get hands on experience while watching this tutorial. One of the best course.
  • I have gone through whole Beginner Access video. I really appreciate and happy for the video and Learnit team for doing this great job. It was long pending dream of learning Microsoft Access. Atlast, i found the perfect video to learn. Thanks a lot.
  • @andyrbush
    This is brilliant. I have done a lot off access but not for ages and had forgotten some of the steps. Of course as soon as I see you do the step I am thinking how did I forget that. What I really like is how you don't miss out any detail especially the simple details that some trainers skip right over forgetting that not everybody already knows the actions to take. Doe example the different ways to open, close and not change a record.
  • @redsanders8754
    EXCELLENT teaching techniques! My job for many years was to observe and evaluate the instructional skills and techniques of middle and high school science and math teachers. Later I served as an Instructional Technology Director, during which some of my duties were to design and conduct classes for K-12 teachers on MS Windows, Word, Excel and PowerPoint. I designed a database that tracked the classes and performances of all teachers that attended our classes. I toyed with the idea of teaching MS Access, but never felt that my knowledge was as complete as it should have been to do as good a job as I would have wanted to do. Watching your "Beginner Tutorial" confirms that I have gaps in my knowledge! :-) I guess I never really took the time to fully explore all of the nooks and crannies of MS Access. Aside from having a firm understanding the content for which you are teaching (which sadly was not always the case for some teachers with whom I worked), you employ essential techniques, such as making few assumptions of the viewers' knowledge. For example, you include expected behaviors of Windows, and not just Access. Other extremely important techniques that you employ are: You FREQUENTLY loop back to review and hopefully reinforce what has been taught; You provide "wait time" so that viewers to follow the pace of your instruction; You raise the possibility of problems occurring, and patiently illustrate how to either avoid or address them; You check for understanding by giving viewers chances to implement procedures that you taught by letting them try out their understanding before you proceed. You use appropriate and reasonable amounts of humor at appropriate times to relieve mental tension. Consequently, your pace is not hurried, which is essential when teaching somewhat difficult content such as this. Ok, I can "see" and "hear" some techies moaning and rolling their eyes at my comments, and at your instructional methods. I strongly suspect that they have never tried to EFFECTIVELY teach folks for whom technology is not as easy to learn as it is for them. I've attended MANY classes conducted by techies whose apparent goal was to impress their students of how much they knew, rather than effectively teach. And BOY does that turn off many learners!!! And WOW...the time you and your organization take to make videos with this much detail and length at no cost to viewers. Very rare, and very much appreciated! Dan, based on your instructional performance in this video, I would have given you my highest marks in my evaluation. I wish I could see you teach in person, it would be a pleasure!
  • I have taken a dozen or so courses in database management, Filemaker Pro and Access. This instructor is really, really good, I love how he gets right into hands on stuff and keeps your interest. Other courses start with very mundane technocrap. I am definitely going to look into paying for additional courses. Well played Mr. McAllister, well played.
  • @jeffdeutsch
    Terrific. I'm a former database programmer and it's been years. Going to design a dbase for my work in Access and needed to run through how things work here. Did some fast forwarding but you are a great teacher... You know the material but you know how to teach as well! : )
  • you are such an amazing teacher.i love to have private classes whenever possible,,,100 percent undertood.
  • @CrisStuart
    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 STARS is what I give you for the incredibly didactic trainning !!!! I'M FROM BRASIL , RIO DE JANEIRO and I prefer study by American Professors and teachers... Your training is good because of the 3 points I consider crucial: 1)Your language is clear and to the point 2)Your exemples are exactly what we find in the files (no unpleasant surprises as some other not so didactic teachers from Learnit made me go through while following their classes, rendering me a lot of headaches!!!) 3)You are a very detail-oriented person, which made me like you even more!!!! .... I wish all the success, health and joy to you!!! You are one in a million... !!!! 🙏🙏🙏
  • @mehdi.sajadi
    You're the best instructor ever, and explain everything in detail, thank you very much
  • @cozycubix
    Thank you very much , Good work - you are an excellent professional.
  • The best explanation! It’s very easy to understand with this wonderful sense of humor! Great 👍 job! Thanks 🙏!
  • Best style of teaching I’ve come across. By far the best, love it.