Rough week for DBD.

Published 2024-05-02
After a rocky PTB and an even rockier live release, DBD is in a really bad spot. It's a sad mixture of technical issues, exploits and lots of people ready to be hostile or quit the game immediately at the earliest sign of inconvenience. Let's hope the upcoming anniversary helps to mend our broken heart.

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Some footage used comes from ‪@CoconutRTS‬ & ‪@moreseine‬.

All Comments (21)
  • @TheJRM
    You want me to make your PC start blue-screening again? Might be better then the alternative!
  • @StaticChoccy
    Back in F13, they had something called the salt mines. it was plain simple- if you disconnect, you gain salt points. the more you disconnect, the more salt points you gain per disconnect. and what was the penalty for having salt points? no ban, no timer, nothing like that. simply, youd get matched against people with the same amount of salt points as you, enough salt points landing you in the salt mines, where everyone dcs and nobody can play a full game. it seperated the people who actually wanted to play the game from those who didnt, it was beautiful. your salt points also decayed over time if you stopped disconnecting, with a buffer before they would begin decaying after you stop. it was perfect and i seriously think dbd would benefit from having salt mines, if you think its acceptable to disconnect so frequently then you can play with the other babies in the salt mines so the adults can play separately
  • @TheRealFigLizard
    My favorite DC experience: -David King, dead on hook, gets chased -David goes down -David DCs. -Killer picks up David bot. -I flashlight save David Bot -David bot loses the killer and eventually escapes the trial
  • @The_JLav
    "Have you taken a little break from DbD lately?" Way ahead of you, Otz. In the time since I last played DbD, I've done an entire master's degree program.
  • @Tatariu
    Survivors need to seriously just log off when they start feeling bad. Ruining the match for everyone because your diaper is full is nuts bro.
  • Every time they touch the twins it all breaks down, they are what keeps the game together
  • @WowSuchGaming
    I stopped playing DBD over a year ago. The game ended up being the one game that made me unreasonably mad. I hated how it made me act towards randoms or how people flamed me and my friends for simple mistakes or misunderstandings. Ive played many online games before but this one takes the cake for anger inducing moments. That on top of how stale it was overall for the gameplay loop. Otz youre the one thing thats kept me interested in the game because of youre positivity and genuine fun you have. Just dont burn yourself out brother!
  • @EvolvedDinosaur
    I think we’re honestly maybe 2-3 months away from seeing Otz upload a “Why I’m leaving DBD”. And I’m honestly here for it. Always love seeing him upload non-dbd content, and he’s just seemed so frustrated in just about every video recently.
  • @soot5423
    The most positive game experience I've had recently was my first time playing Billy yesterday. I'm a survivor main that decided to do my daily. Literally the first time loading Billy! I got a lobby with 3 shirtless David's and a Renato at higher prestige (knew I was gonna get rolled, but I wanted to try). It became very obvious I was a new Billy trying to use power. Instead of being toxic, the survivors actually waited on the last gen and let me target practice around loops and curves! I opened the door for them to leave when I thought they had helped me enough.. but the David's gave me the kill! All ggs and glnm in the chat after. Very wholesome
  • @scorpx3790
    NEW CARD: The Twins curse When the killer "The Twins" is mentioned under any PTB changes a debuff effect "Bug" will be applied. "Bug" has 69% chance of doubling or 31% chance of tripling. There's a 33% chance that the spell "Bug fix patch" can remove all the debuff effects
  • Thanks, Otz for reminding me to keep staying in DBD hibernation. I can't ever play this game regularly anymore. I'll get in a phase for a month, then take multiple months off because it gets to a point where it's not fun to deal with this stuff
  • @ElvisHenriqueSC
    I had the weirdest game this week. I was in a duo SWF against the Unknown. At some point I see the rando Claud dropping her item in front of the killer and then getting downed, but didn't think much of it. Later in the match, my duo says Claud brought the killer to her and started pointing so the killer go my duo, who then started spectating. The Claud had Aftercare, and luckily I hadn't been healed or unhooked by her, so she couldn't see me, but she could see the rando Adam and took the killer to him too. Then it was just me, her and the killer. I started just hiding, with my duo guiding me on what she was doing. SHE STARTED LOOKING IN LOCKERS FOR ME! She went all over the map looking at the edges and entering lockers. Luckily my duo was spectating so I managed to stay hidden. Eventually even the killer got tired of her and made her work on the gens. She even looked for me before opening the gates. Thanks to my duo spectating and the killer being tired of Claud's bullshit, I managed to get away after she left. I've never seen an evil survivor go that far to work with the killer.
  • @NickNitro
    BHVR has done things no other company could even think of getting away with, but the community has stockholm syndrome. It's been 8 years, they're never changing.
  • @Enchanteddy
    I pretty much always play survivor because killer gives me too much anxiety, so I will always have a good base respect for killer players. The killers I have recently faced are out of this world, however. Nobody is playful or merciful, most that I encounter start to tunnel at 5 gens to get the first kill as quickly as possible, everybody is running the same 4 gen slowdown perks. They slug, they hit on hook, they proxy camp and all those shenanigans. It feels like I'm going against the same 12-year old kid every match I get. It's become so exhausting that I don't even wanna touch the game anymore right now.
  • @driftingdruid
    1:32 Otz, the salty, vengeful players who drag you down with them, or body-block you into a corner for the killer, or lead killer to you, have all been part of the random teammates / solo queue experience when i played 2 years ago. You're likely noticing them now because the good-manners players are likely part of the Great DbD Resignation also, please give loves to Chupi, doggo seemed concerned about you at 2:44
  • @imdumpedsoul
    "Hi friends, Otz here, or atleast thats what your mom calls her lover"
  • @percival_eyeless
    BHVR: We are introducing the new Killswitch mechanic! Players: Are you going to use it? BHVR: Yes but actually no.
  • @thisangell5935
    That unhooking themselves into bringing the killer to you when you waited for hatch as the game was pretty much a loss (2 teammates died 3rd one on hook) hit me personally. Happened to me the last time I played DbD which was before the update even happened, unhooked herself, brought the Legion straight to me and she got the hatch, saying in the end game that I was the reason we lost because I was on the other side of the map and let the others die, the Legion also backing them up despite seeing me and ignoring me because they lost the only chase they did with me I'm no God level, insane player, I'm like insanely average as you can get but I was the only who did a gen, and I did come over unhook, took a hit when I could while trying to pressure gens. I was also the only one of the match who won a chase, the players weren't the best which is fine, it was just 1 player who was spiteful and accusing me of being the reason we lost They were just so insanely spiteful, it's crazy. The community, especially on the survivors side are just so utterly petty (not to say Killers can't be), kind of sad and in glad I'm staying away from the game at the moment to save myself.