Alistair Overeem - “ My daughter thinks she’s a man “

Published 2024-07-16

All Comments (4)
  • You can obviously have your opinion on topics but I do think it’s universally unacceptable to talk like that about your daughter to such a big audience. Eitherway your child needs to be able to trust you and feel loved
  • It's just an overall sad situation. I still remember videos with his daughter when she was little. From my experience, Overeem is 100% right. Kids (and especially girls) these days will think this stuff just to belong to a group. Just to belong somewhere. And it's of course the internet where they get those ideas from. Back when we where in school we all had certain types of groups. Difference is, belonging to such a group didn't fck us over for the rest of our lives. If Overeems daughter starts hormone therapy or some shit, she will feel the consequences the rest of her life - just because she tought something to belong to a group.