Understanding Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis (OA) | Johns Hopkins Rheumatology

Published 2020-04-08
Osteroarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis in the world. It affects over 32 million adults in the United States. Dr. Dana DiRenzo discusses risk factors for development of OA as well as general treatment strategies. Treatment options can include medications such as NSAIDs along with lifestyle adjustments including weight loss, exercise and diet changes. The treatment options discussed are based on the 2019 American College of Rheumatology/Arthritis Foundation Guideline for the Management of Osteoarthritis of the Hand, Hip, and Knee, led by Sharon Kolasinski and others. The complete guideline can be found at: www.rheumatology.org/Portals/0/Files/Osteoarthriti…

All Comments (6)
  • @ediebehnke2059
    After 24 hours after infusion with Zoledronic acid my spine feels like I was hit by a truck. Horrible stiffness. Hope it goes away.
  • I am suffering from Osteoarthiritis since the age of 32 (probably due to obesity). I regret that I didn't take any precaution after the sad discovery. I kept on doing exercises & dance poses which needed sitting on floor & getting up exerting pressure... IT HAS WORSENED... what to do? Can I heal from Osteoarthiris (in left knee only) forever?
  • Acupuncture? Why don't you toss up homeopathy and Dr Steve's old fashioned Snake Oil?