Why is marijuana listed among the world’s deadliest drugs?

Published 2024-05-01
Why is marijuana listed among the world’s deadliest drugs?
Since 1972, marijuana has been listed as a Schedule I drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Schedule one drugs are deemed to have no medical use and a high potential for abuse. That means cannabis is in the same category as heroin, LSD and ecstasy. These categories were created by the Controlled Substances Act of 1970. Read more: www.khou.com/article/news/news-explainers/the-why/…

All Comments (20)
  • @760mom
    This is not a very good reporting. Tell the deep truth. Money money money is why it's labeled as such.
  • @torriaevans2143
    The government is fos never should have been in the same category as heroine
  • @norton2757
    Marijuana is much safer than any drug on the planet…… Marijuana is an herb that relaxes and heals.😃
  • Its time for humans to evolve, show some emotional and spiritual maturity, and grow tf up. Quit demonizing for political purposes & greed helpful plants and herbs that grow on the planet for our benefit. As an autonomous being on this planet its my inherent human right to live and conduct my life as I see fit as long as it causes no harm. No government or other entity has the authority to take that right away from me. Stop complying with this kind of nonesense and stand with some human dignity.
  • @MotorPsychos70
    Cuz it fixes alot of people's problems, which the government wants to avoid...
  • @nimblehuman
    Henry J. Anslinger is alive and well 🤦🏾‍♂🤷🏾‍♂
  • @gumbleg3383
    How you going to talk about marijuana and then compare it to all these other real drugs?
  • @sirjhonson8218
    Tell the truth schedule 3 drugs have a stiffer penalty than marijuana in most states. In Texas schedule drugs without a prescription carry a felony conviction. One gram is one year state jail felony and can go up to 99 years depending on the amount. A possession of 4 ounces of marijuana is a misdemeanor. This will be the most jacked up law ever.
  • @AndrewForsleff
    😂 they ain’t over this stupid plant yet??? Man, I love Michigan ❤
  • Because they Can Not tax a natural product , just fresh produce and other natural products.................Now the powers that just couldn't have that !!!