5 Big Stories (Sorry about the Sound. The stories are good).

Published 2024-07-27

All Comments (21)
  • @LadaGaga93
    Well at best Trump’s statement was an incoherent mess, again. Or worst case is the whole, you know never gonna leave office thing. Either he is demented, or he is demented.
  • @barryhamm3414
    The very worst interpretation that can be put on anything said by Trump will likely prove to be the best.
  • Well if Trump cannot express himself clearly on such a critical matter - maybe he too is not fit for office?
  • @robertward8035
    Trump's a crook and I agree about how the crap communicator talks.
  • @sogerc1
    New leaked documents show that Trump's peace plan is: abracadabra war stop!
  • @prestencederien
    I am trying to understand,how you are giving that man the benefit of the doubt,considering he already tried once to undermine democratic processes. At very least that would tell me he doesn't believe in democracy and he would,again,make everything possible to gain power.And with that,i had enough with you rationalizing obvious MAGA bs. Unsub.
  • You can give the benefit of the doubt to the person who talked about suspending the Constitution to get him back into power, who said he was going to be a dictator on day one, and whom the Supreme Court that he put into place in his last term, has declared to be above the law for his next term. You can give the benefit of the doubt to that guy. I won’t.
  • @YuriMazur887
    Sorry, there’s no good interpretation to what Trump said. Theres such thing called US Constitution and there’s such thing called presidential election every 4 years, period.
  • @bevgroves8062
    My mind is blown, Trump had a practice run at not leaving office, which part are apologist’s not getting??
  • So on this logic, should we give Putin the benefit of the doubt? When trump tells you that he does not respect democracy, given his track record, his statement stands.
  • @marcello66
    Dear Americans, simply do not try it out if its one or the other interpretation. Vote for Democrats.
  • Before you give Trump or his MAGAs the benefit of the doubt - ask yourself these three questions: 1. Would you invite any of them to house-sit whilst you are away? 2. Would you loan any of them money? 3. Would you ask any of them to baby-sit your teenage daughter?
  • I am African and a fanatical supporter of Ukraine. I have watched your videos since the initial episode that introduced you-tubers that support Ukraine. While acknowledging your confession as a non-Trump republican, I notice that you regularly jump to the defence of Trump like today's lame attempt to explain away his comments. I think that taken in the context of other statements of Trump, one cannot avoid the conclusion that your view is mistaken. Your evaluation of Biden is never so generous. You usually start with a caveat that you lack information or may be mistaken about him but end up making the negative comments notwithstanding; a common ploy in planting negative opinions in others. Please follow your rules and stick to things Ukraine. Leave out American elections where your best efforts at objectivity may not be enough.
  • Give him the benefit of the doubt? No. This is Trump thinking he's so clever, thinking he can get away with his juvenile wordplay, trolling reporters, trolling liberals.... it's more passive-aggressive cynicism.
  • @jgir100
    But Trump.... I like to vote! In fact, I love to vote! That's my contribution to democracy.
  • @pudd66
    Disagree with you 100%, Professor. To quote Maya Angelou "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time". Trump has done nothing to earn the easier path, and it's time you realized it.
  • When they tell you who they are believe them. Don't try to normalize what he says
  • Trump is a big fan of Orban and that's exactly what happened in Hungary starting 14 years ago. I'm sorry but I'm going to interpret what he said as yet another semi Freudian revelation where he expresses admiration and envy of authoritarians around the world. Don't make excuses for this guy. In general your greatest weakness as an amateur pundit is your inability to see Trump as the major threat he is to democracy. The other day you had that long discussion with the British fellow. You both had me climbing the walls with your obliviousness with respect to the threat of Trump if he gets in. Briefly- he will NOT be hiring normal Republicans to staff his next administration. There will be no people like you to moderate his worst impulses. And he'll have the batshit supreme court ruling to further emboldened him. I hope you evolve your understanding. You've taken baby steps via the catalyst of your concern for Ukraine. But you have a way to go. In particular if you live in a purple state you should be holding your nise to vote democratic for this one election.