Another PIP assessment Hell: DWP - Incompetent or corrupt?

Published 2024-04-12

My latest PIP assessment process started in February 2024 when I received my PIP review form. I filled it in, sent it back via a Royal Mail tracked service and received confirmation from Royal Mail that it had been delivered. I also received a text message from the DWP saying that they had received the form. So why did I receive a letter today (Friday 12th April 2024) from the DWP saying they haven't received my form? Incompetence or corruption? You decide.
#PIPassessment #PersonalIndependencePayments
#UKbenefits #benefits #DWP #DepartmentforWorkandPensions
#personalexperience #benefitsadvice #ukpolitics #WarAgainstTheSickandDisabled

All Comments (21)
  • @blobby273
    I'm so glad to see you pop up it's been so long and I was sure you was no longer with us .I'm so happy to see your still fighting them .
  • @SouthernSoftie
    Within a week of sending my application form, I received a text message to confirm receipt. About 6 weeks later I received a letter saying that they hadn’t received my forms. I chose to ignore it, the following week I got a text message confirming my pip phone interview. It’s my belief they do this to to test your ability to interpret read and react to complex information
  • @Corsair1962
    i had a tribunal last year! i wasnt informed when it was taking place for to to attend,i wasnt informed it had taken place until i finally rang them to see what was going on and only then was i informed it had taken place 8 weeks previously and i was unsuccessful in the appeal , she also told that i was informed by letter and email about the outcome which i had not, since first applying 5 years ago my health problems have more than doubled, universal credit has convinced me to try again now, i have no hope at all of receiving anything tho ! what gets me the most is my problems are all work related after 43 years as a bricklayer, not a rich one by the way!
  • @lunaxx4119
    Its just because you sent it fairly close to the date...their prompt letters are completely automated. If you send your form within a week of your return date you will end up getting one of thise reminder letters.
  • @pinky-ud1rt
    Iv always recorded deliverly my pip form im waiting for my decision fingers cross
  • @Jeremiah59
    It looks like it could be a similar set up to hmrc where it goes to a processing centre, where it is scanned onto a computer. It dosnt actually go to the person assessing you.
  • @DynamicDuoUK
    Shared your video over on our page, watching in full now will speak soon.
  • I sent my letter in and if it wasn't for bad luck I'd have no luck usually. I always used to send every letter I had to DWP by tracked mail/return receipt. The last time I sent the letter in it was close to the wire of the expiry date and I was terrified as was on the so called💩 benefit also known as universal credit and unfortunately I didn't have any money at all to send it by certified mail and was terrified that they would either not receive it or lose it but as I unfortunately didn't have any other option except putting a first class stamp on it as the envelope they give you is second class I just had to risk it. The robbing post office also don't let you pay the difference from second to first class they make you pay the full first class fee which is also wrong as the second class has been paid for so why you can't just pay the difference from second to first class mail is beyond me but that's not allowed apparently. Luckily they received it. I had a letter saying there would be a phone interview with which I was in the waiting room for50minutea and no one showed up so I called them only to be told it had been cancelled but no one bothered to tell me. I rescheduled it and the woman on the end of the phone had the cheek to tell me if I didn't do this interview then my case would basically be binned even though I had shown up15minutes prior to the previous phone interview and had waited50minutes and no one bothered to interview me or even say the meeting had been cancelled but was told that if I didn't do the next interview I would basically have to reapply and do the mammoth paperwork yet again and then wait once the paperwork was in DWP'S hands. To say I was fuming would be an understatement. I mean the basic cheek of them. I had the benefit from2000~2016 and had a benefits lawyer who said for my medication alone I should never have been taken off the benefit in the first place. The hoops we have to go through is disgusting and I'm sure that I'm not the only one who gets worse symptoms with added stress and going through the whole DWP process is ridiculous.My daughter works with a girl who works7days a week and works with her in a busy bar/restaurant and apparently has a bad shoulder but my daughter said its not bad enough that she can't carry heavy trays of food yet she was given the benefit. She paid£6000.00 as a pre- payment for an audi SUV on motorbility. She also goes away to foreign countries on regular vacations every8-9weeks and stays for a minimum of a week each time. My daughter said that this year alone she's been away4times so far. It blows my mind that she can get the benefit but it was taken off me when my pain meds alone include Fentanyl patches and Oxycontin which Fentanyl alone is100times stronger than morphine
  • @vortexlisa
    My Dad was recently meant to have a health call.. but they didn't call and they claim he didn't answer. :/
  • @MrHitec333
    Great blog now you got the Waiteing game like me
  • @QU4DP1MP
    They have had mine since the 1st Sept 2023 and all i get from them is the text message saying "We still have your PIP form and will be progressing your review as soon as we can" etc. They're too busy prioritising the illegal immigrants to get get our claims done quickly. Dynamic Duo UK on YouTube has covered this in one of their videos. The video is titled "Startling Email from a DWP PIP Assessor ... Again"
  • So it's not just me who thinks it's a dirty trick they play. Luckily, from day one, I've always sent any paperwork back to government bodies by recorded delivery. But every single time I send my PIP forms back, I get a letter saying they have no received them. But you ring up and guess what they've just been found on a colleagues desk. I'm none verbal on the phone as I suffer from aphasia. My family just about understands me, but when my wife Rings the DWP to Converse about my PIP they insist on speaking to me. Even though my wife has power of attorney, and the DWP have been notified of this on numerous occasions. This is very humiliating, because all I get from the person on the other end of the phone is" speak up and more clearly we can't understand you" this I am sure is another one of there dirty tricks to try and catch me out. I can't change what has happened to me. 10 years ago I was a fully able bodied healthy person with a good job. And given half the chance I would be back doing the job I loved.And showing my children a proper work ethic that's a father has and deep down I still have
  • @jadens9569
    I'm sure this is a system-generated letter that's produced when the form return isn't logged into the system promptly. Most letters from major organisations, including the DWP, are system-generated. The only exception is decision letters, where the decision maker provides their reasoning.