Full stop punctuation

Published 2022-04-27

All Comments (21)
  • Nice strategy of not letting people be able to pause. Also I like that my reflex was to flip out my middle finger.
  • 0:11 Shes the best vocaloid i have ever heard in my entire life. (literally, im not joking) (i hear her saying “I seem fantastic, Hey, hey, hey! You seem fantastic! Hey, hey, hey! You are fantastic!”)
  • @gorecookie
    Lesson of the day: don't pee on the floor and feel fantastic
  • @MicronationSAL
    i was in a wheelchair for 7 years and you gave me courage to stand up and jump off a moutanin!
  • @JuicyCat_x
    I watched that ad when I was alone at Living room watching TV at 2am whil everyone was asleep. I was 5 that time then that ad popped out of nowhere 💀
  • @Sukibugproject
    I paused right when I saw the field and I see a zombie lady staring into my soul
  • @wtiisau
    0:23 that's the room from the Repulsive's Album "Wings" Search it Also the music is kinda of this album is terryfing and relaxing at the same time
  • @hahapulido3251
    after seeing this i’ve been clawing at my face screaming i just can’t stop help please it hurts please help my i’m biting my tongue off it hurts so bad please help
  • @_-.908
    everyone who says you can`t pause you can.