How to terminate hornets and wasps - part 1

Published 2013-07-23
Very funny video demonstrating eradication of a bald-faced hornet nest using a garden hose sprayer and a badminton racquet. You can stand within 5 to 10 feet of the hornet nest and they don't link you to their destruction. I knocked the nest into a five gallon pail of water to drown the hornets and nest. The mop up using a badminton racquet gets your adrenalin flowing, but is not recommended if you are allergic or sensitive to pain. I've eliminated several nests this way.... works every time.

All Comments (21)
  • all the hornets like "WTF JAMAL ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS WATCH THE NEST" "Nigga it was here 1 minute ago"
  • @joeyazzz
    1:35 all the hornets are like "aww FUCK" "what happened Carl?" OMG FUCK
  • @Bloodletter8
    Wasp 1: We'll build a giant city made of paper! We'll call it Papelopolis! Wasp 2: What if water hits it? Wasp 1: Shut up, Ted. When the fuck would that ever happen?
  • @Random_Blip
    Surprisingly effective! You got rid of their nest and the wasps got a free shower ... and a few of them got a game of tennis at no extra charge.
  • He just smacked the shit out of those hornets 😂😂😂
  • @arkham9500
    But everything changed when the Water Nation attacked...
  • @7Roxer
    I fucking laughed so hard when I saw that this guy was beating them with a racquet
    Hornets: "When did we get a power shower installed?"
  • @amari5886
    "Hey guys, guard the nest while we go and get pollen." "Alright." 5 minutes later "GUYS, YOU HAD ONE JOB."
  • @itamide8526
    The sound of him hitting the bugs makes me laugh so hard, I don't know why..
  • @trilbymctip8317
    Redditor here! In all my days browsing /r/videos, I have never come across such a blatant case of animal abuse. These poor hornets spent their entire lives building up their home and you walk in and blast it to nothing in a matter of seconds. Obviously you are not a Redditor or you would have used a much classier weapon in the war against hornets, the weapon of debate. Through peaceful negotiation and debate, you should have been able to outwit these hornets and convince them that picking up and moving their home was in their best interest (as well as yours ;) ). I award you no upboats and leave my fedora untipped sir. - Trilby McTip, Redditor, Gentle'sir, Master Debater, Knight, and Genius
  • @AliceUmoh
    Hornet returning to now nonexistent nest: Where tf my house at?
  • @DoctorDeath6203
    Thanks Joe!! It still cracks me up to watch it. I used a garden hose with a spray nozzle standing 10 feet away. The hornets don't associate you with the "rain" event. Glad you liked it! 
  • @the0elite
    That was so funny when you swung out the racket and you hear a Ping and the hornets disappear XD