The Glory of Jetstream Sam

Published 2020-08-20
What would a character action game be without a rival to encourage the player to get better and defeat them. Samuel Rodrigues plays this part during Metal Gear Rising Revengeance and like any other Metal Gear character he has a interesting history and inspiration.
BGM: Breath of the Serpent - Katana Zero, The Only Thing I Know For Real - Metal Gear Rising

All Comments (21)
  • @Skimmerlit
    “Sam died knowing Raiden could accomplish what he couldn’t.” The only thing I know for real is I’m not crying right now.
  • Its amazing how a game where a texas senator drop kicks a cyborg ninja with a crowd cheering has some very deep philosophical arguments about the nature of human conflict.
  • @justas423
    Another neat fact is that Raiden's mask is the opposite of Sam's: Raiden's hides his eyes and shows his mouth, Sam hides his mouth but shows his eyes.
  • @xmixraven8633
    One amazing little known detail to note: In the Japanese release of Rising, androids and cyborgs will typically have white blood instead of red. Typically, as Sam is one of the only characters who bleeds with the red as opposed to the white. Showing how human he truly was the whole time.
  • @asilva5021
    Can't believe that Sam was such a Chad he took on a fucking metal gear, senator, and robot man who could suplex metal gears. And most of all he had no cybernetic enhancements other than an arm and his suit.
  • @Isegawa2001
    Another detail: In Sam's DLC, he has an attack where after doing a quick draw, he blows smoke off of his sword sheath, akin to someone blowing off a gun barrel after firing.
  • @Zerobasssoul
    "You fight because you're forced to. I fight because I choose to."
  • @Thebigbubba
    Raidens' mask covers his eyes but leaves the mouth open, blinding him from the truth but freely speaking his ideals, while sams' covers his mouth but keeps the eyes free, allowing him to see the truth of the world around him but preventing him from speaking about it to others.
  • It’s interesting that when Sam is disarmed, and attacks with his cybernetic arm, there is a red warning flash, but when he kicks, there isn’t one. I think his kick is actually the only attack in the game without a red or yellow warning flash. It really gives an impression that he is unpredictable and aimless without his weapon, although still very well trained and deadly.
  • @Gigathyn
    People actually looking deeper into and past the memes in MGR? I love it.
  • @-Minuano-
    I want you all to notice something. When Sam cut Armstrong’s arm, it was in a sharp angle. When he cut Raiden’s arm, it was a perfect straight cut, he also cut further up the arm past the elbow joint rendering it useless. (Also, his face guard writing on the sides read “Combat Oxygen Supplier”).
  • @griss295
    I feel sad for Sam, he lost the fire to keep his ideals, and became empty, feeling only the cold wind, and nothing else
  • @diegobrando3409
    I once heard someone say in one point in history that gunslingers or duelists, samurai, Pirates, and Knights all existed to some capacity at the same time. He then went on to say that you could produce a story that has a group with a gunslinger, failed samurai, failed Knight, and a shippless pirate and it would still be historically accurate. Has nothing to do with the video but if anyone can elaborate and tell me more details on this I'd really appreciate it, alot.
  • @genericweeb7300
    "Come to Brazil, Raiden." -Samuel "Jetstream Sam" Rodriguez, 2018 for real tho Metal Gear has some kickass and lovable rival characters. for a game franchise revolving around global conspiracies and tragic heroes, especially.
  • I love how Sam in his first fight with Raiden he left him with the same scar and rip apart arm that he has
  • @capnbarky2682
    We are literally currently living in a world ruled by whoever has the strongest memes and people think all the meme talk in this game is a joke.
  • @williansnobre
    Another layer to the relation between his Japanese and Italian heritage is the fact that he is from São Paulo, which has a huge population with descended from Japanese and Italian immigrants.
  • Now I want to see a deep analysis of Sundowner, The Alabama warmonger. All im saying is.. GIVE WAR A CHANCE
  • The fact that long after the games realse people still discuss it proves just how great it really was. Can’t wait to see analysis of Armstrong’s ideologies