Atlas treatment for Chiari Malformation | Portland Chiropractor Dr. Chris Cooper, DC, BCAO

Published 2019-07-08
A true Chiari Malformation is classified as the cerebellar tonsils dipping below the foramen magnum by 10mm or more. Initially, Samantha was diagnosed with a Chiari after an MRI and the presentation of her symptoms. The medical doctor eventually retracted his official diagnosis saying her 3.5mm dipping of the Cerebellum didn't classify as a true Chiari. BUT SHE STILL HAD ALL THE CLASSIC SYMPTOMS. smh.

Atlas Orthogonal upper cervical chiropractic has been shown to help "less than full" Chiari Malformations pull back up about 2mm post adjustment.

We did a trial of care (2 weeks) to see if Samantha responded. She is doing wonderfully!

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All Comments (21)
  • Either she was extremely anxious doing this and relieved after or this little machine and stylus made one heck of difference. Her face and smile say it all.
  • @okzoomer5728
    Does this treatment help patients with Atlanto axial instability? I have reversal of the cervical curve and tonsil ectopia of 5mm, but i have all the really terrible neuro symptoms associated with chiari. I may have Atlanta axial instability but it's not clear. I'm declining fast but I haven't tolerated cervical traction particularly well.
  • @sparkinton
    I was flat out told post op that chiropractic work would paralyze me and nobody worth anything wouldn’t touch you either.
  • @arconeagain
    So can I get my mate to do this for me with a hammer and punch? Tap tap tappety tap.
  • This is BS. There is not a neurologist that would ever let a Chari patient do this.
  • I was diagnosed with Chiari type 1 and syringomyelia in 02. I had decompression brain surgery in 2004. After my first appt w/the neuro surgeon he told me three things that I could never do again...ride roller coasters, do yoga in inverted positions and get an adjustment at a chiropractor. I see a chiro for muscles, but have always headed my surgeons warning. Why is it all right for this girl to be adjusted? I’d be so curious to understand what an “atlas adjustment” is and why it is safe for us with Chiari. My chiro said adjustments are off the table for me as well. Confused.
  • I have chiari malformation type 1 and i was told no one would help me cuz of how severe my symptoms are. I have headache's, back, nech pain everyday and occasional tingling/numbness in my arms and shoulders and feet. Trouble seeing/swolling. Trouble sleeping and i cant sleep on the right side of my head due to tendernes. is it true no one will help me or is it just hard to find someone that will?
  • @leesin5826
    I have a 10 m cerebellum sagging, making headaches when coughing in movements that increase body pressure
  • My chiro will stretch and massage but wont do anything else. I do miss the back cracking though
  • @Joker4ultr4
    For Samantha: Do diaphragm stretches and deep breathing using the wimhoff method. I find I can stretch the interior spine cervica, thoracic and lumbar with deep breathing and deep breath holds while stretching.❤
  • @ranna6738
    Interesting. Wish I could understand more about how external adjustments can alter tonsil position. But I’m not really one to benefit anyway. I was 12mm and got decompression surgery
  • @kyogesh9260
    Sir can you explain difference between Atlas subluxation or atlantoaxial instability AAI
  • @Carlos-od7jr
    My wife has pain in the spine at night when laying down,we used the phanton genius which is like a super sauna and that work temporarily the chiropractic treatment work temporarily cold ice compressions helped temporarily chiropractor said to clean up her diet she's lost 5 to 6 lb because if you're allergic to some foods it can mess with your joints, some days she feels good and today she feels like the pain is a lil better ,she has 4mm are we doing the right things sir
  • @thademon4836
    Hey i have a question im getting an xray done because im having tension and vertigo from the base of my skull. And im wondering would an xray show atlas misalignment? Or would i need a mri