When Good Samaritans Save The Cops

Published 2024-05-12
In moments of danger, when the guardians of our streets find themselves in need, it's not
always fellow officers who come to their aid. Sometimes, it's the unsung heroes among us, the
Good Samaritans, who step up without a second thought. Here are the seven cases When
Good Samaritans Save The Cops. Their bravery doesn't wear a uniform, and their courage has
no limits

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All Comments (21)
  • Regarding the first case, a pregnant police officer should not be patrolling the streets. It's too dangerous for the soon to be born baby. The police department should have her assigned at least to temporary desk office work.
  • @kajnrider9598
    This is why their should always be two officers in a vehicle together.
  • @LizzyStardust
    You can always spot the dudes who wrestled in high school. Human Handcuffs.
  • @Jstock1992
    The arm bar that guy put on in the first video was perfect
  • Jesus. That first guy should have been charged with attempted murder as well for trying to run over that cyclist.
  • I'm not sure if anyone else has made this comment, but: THANK YOU FOR USING THE PHRASE "GOOD SAMARITANS" INSTEAD OF "GOOD CIVILIANS." There truly is a difference. Blessings and good health to these amazing heartbeats!
  • @natuurfotograaf
    As a firefighter, I really respect the people who help out these cops! But in the third video with the police car getting hit I have to say: never, ever flip a car back with possibly injured people inside! If they have a neck injury, this could literally be the blow that kills them. Try to assist them out through a broken (side!) window when they are conscious. Otherwise, wait for professional help! I have seen that a person died AFTER getting out of the car because he wanted to look the other way and appeared to have a broken neck. So, as long as the car is not on fire, have injured people stay in the car until a paramedic checked for neck or back injuries. Again I respect the people who helped out, and in this case I think it helped the female cop to get back to her senses.
  • @24:19 the story reminds me of my similar case.. In 2004 I had a puncture on a motorway and crashed into a bridge support. The car was totalled AND ON FIRE, I had broken my neck and was temporarily paralysed, I suffered 45% full thickness burns and a shattered ankle and lots more. Two lorry drivers in an Iceland( a British freezer supermarket) truck stopped and both men ran down the embankment to pull me from my BURNING car they got me to the hardshoulder and put my flames out. The car exploded behind them, a couple of minutes more and boom all three of us dead. They SAVED MY LIFE, without their bravery I would be dead, I am ok now, my neck stabilised and I walk normally the only lasting issues are nerve damage, skin grafts and a shattered ankle. I never got to thank the two men but think of their bravery often.
  • @CaptainCap39
    That first samaritan def had some MMA background, rolled dude right over into an arm bar lol
  • @AvaLiveLife
    Watched another video earlier today showing a male officer who ended up being attacked by a suspect who put him in a headlock and another who got pinned underneath the suspect and couldn’t get free. Both times, Good Samaritans assisted and saved the officers’ lives. They need to improve officers’ ‘cuffs so they snap on quickly without having to fiddle around seemingly endlessly with them.
  • I’m glad there are still good people out there willing to help when they can.
  • Brave Samaritan, that was crazy. I hope the lady cop is safe, her and baby.
  • @stephengile530
    Officer that got rolled in the vehicle that had never been in an accident is getting the adrenaline dump effects along with any injuries.
  • How many times is she going to say "I'm going to tase you" without doing a damn thing?!!
  • There are still very good people in the world, and not many people would help the cops. But even cops need help sometimes. Bless you all.
  • @Boediprasetya
    Arm Bar lock? YESSSSSSS🎀🎀🎀 maybe this man MMA artist
  • @motamage
    Theyre a different breed, respect
  • @bmax43
    Does anyone remember when the United States citizens respected our laws and police officers?
  • @SeanReevesD
    2:32 That officer is doing a VERY good job of communicating the status of pursuit. Kudos!