Mike North On How the NFL Made the NY Jets 2024 Schedule


コメント (13)
  • @nahian329
    Amazing interview. Great job to land this interview!
  • I really wish September was Tomorrow I'm so fired up! J.E.T.S JETS JETS JETS GO JETS 💚
  • Transplanted New Yorker here living in LA. Hey Woody can you get me into the owners box with you on the opening MNF game in SF. I promise to be good company. GO JETS!!
  • 3 games in 10 days and the NFL talks about safety. Yeah…… that makes a whole lot of sense. Goodell needs to fired!!!!! Eliminate the Thursday games and the Christmas games and eliminate games in other countries.
  • how soon before they add an 18th game to the season cause thats where its headed.
  • Do not call it Weeks if they are playing four days later. A week is 7 days! Keep it OG and just play every Sabbath one or two hours before Sunset! This will save the Dolphin’s HC’s skin from becoming rotisserie. Every Full Moon every team rests and meets and chills with GOD. 🏈
  • All the NFL cares about is putting money in owners' pockets. Thats it. This guy is hot air. Owners win, fans lose.
  • JETS fans did need to hear, other teams have that bundle up bunch of games. Mr. North has a demanding job. 😬😖 Now time to R E A L A X.
  • Way too many short weeks. These guys are going to be smoked after the first 4 games