Strange Magnetohydrodynamic propelled boat smashed speed expectations.

Published 2023-05-19
A chubby radio controlled boat with counterintuitive design sets its sights on outperforming a slender research catamaran.

MHD 1.1 specs:
Length - 335mm
Beam - 130mm
Displacement - 950g.
Efficiency - I'd rather not say.

Catamaran specs:
Length - 500mm
Displacement - 915g

More on the catamaran design can be found in the PLOS journal article "Experimental and theoretical study of magnetohydrodynamic ship models".

All Comments (21)
  • @gconol
    It's really cool to see it working. However, the power consumption really shows the inefficiency of this type of propulsion.
  • @castletransport
    Instead of the battery, just a thought. Why not use a salt water battery instead and that could remain in the water which would give it almost indefinite life until the cell broke down and stopped working. I have a flashlight powered by salt water and it's worked for a year now and it's still working. Because you get better results in salty water with the MHD drive, the battery would also fair better too. Just a thought
  • I wasn't aware of the Yamato 1, what an absolute beast! As per documents online about the ship, the Yamato 1 had 185T of displacement, due in no small part to the use of heavy superconducting coils, a cryostat, screw compressors, and the three generators onboard. They even had to put larger supporting equipment on shore to help charge the cryogenic helium and 4000A current in the superconducting coils to reduce Yamato 1's weight to the 185T. The vessel achieved a staggering 4167 mm/s from 16kN of force for its size and scale. It seemed like the purpose of the experimental vessel was primarily geared to making portable cryogenic superconducting MHD systems. They concluded the vessel couldn't "vie in propulsion efficiency with ships using conventional modes of propulsion." This seems very apparent, as they were using 2x2000kW (diesel?) generators to produce AC, which was stepped down to power the DC MHD and the cryostat. The efficiency of those generators and conversion losses was probably below 25% from fuel to DC before even producing thrust. The superconducting coil and refrigeration system was charged and cooled while docked with a special shore support base where the superconducting magnet would be allowed to freewheel while undocked, so only maintaining the temperature with the cryostat was required and that must have helped the system efficiency tremendously. I find it strange that the efficiency was not published, but anecdotally, if they conclude it cannot compete, its likely worse by a significant margin just as MHD is regarded today. In the takezawa1995 closing remarks, just like in the catamaran paper you originally reference, they desired to increase magnetic field strength, surface area, and seawater conductivity to increase propulsion efficiency towards competitive viability. It seems strange to me that there was no consideration for the energy conversion efficiency of their (diesel?) generator power plants and the power consumption of the supporting systems needed to run this type of MHD vessel. The Yamato 1 produced 842,000x more thrust than your model boat with only 72,000x more power into the water. At first this seems quite good as the Yamato 1 produced 11.7x more thrust per watt than the model did. However, if you factor in the auxiliary power required to run the support systems and assume it is loaded to 90% of its rated capacity, the comparison shrinks such that the Yamato produces only 8x more thrust per watt of power with 100% efficient generators, AC/DC converters and current regulation controllers. Further, if you factor in fuel efficiency, the Yamato 1 produces only 2x more thrust per watt than your new model with 35% efficient diesel generators (main and auxiliary), 80% efficient step down converter, and 90% efficient current regulator. If we put that into perspective, and ignoring the impact on the displacement and size of the vessel (we assume it is perfectly scalable for time considerations), it's arguable whether stronger magnetic field strength is worth the extra power and cost requirements when permanent magnet MHD running off batteries as a current source without conversion losses offers the kind of performance you're seeing at a fraction of the price.
  • @-Vovan007-
    Отличный опыт постройки судна на электромагнитной тяге. Нет ничего не возможного!
  • Double the Speed of the Cat on half the power, that's fantastic! It looks like your suspicions were correct about the efficiency of the hull and shape of your magnetic field and electrodes. Very impressed with the presentation, frame by frame displacement calculations and integrals. Michlet looks like such an amazing tool for designing and analyzing hulls. I noticed you made the wall thickness from the magnets as thin as possible so as to remove the magnets as a flow restriction in the water but not reduce surface B field strength by much, very nice. Am I correct in assuming the central piece of metal external to the hull at 2:11 is the aluminum? I imagine this is so you have differential steering control and can implement that extra 0.7V you talked about last year. Looking forward to the thruster and hull design segment!
  • Perhaps a swimming pool early in the morning while very still would be a good test area? Also, you've seen Tech Ingredients youtube channel on this topic, right?
  • @user-jp2em5hy5f
    Fly fishermen and fishermen in general would BUY this big time. Ek hoop jou patent papiere is reg! :)
  • @sri198904
    nice video really like the way you do the measurements and show graphs...just curious have you tried experiementing with halbach arrays ? so my guess would be using a halbach array, you should get more dense uniform stronger magnetic field close to the electrodes resulting in the stronger force experienced by water giving a higher thrust...
  • @manipulativer
    Yo mitsubishi actually wanted to build AC MHD propulsion and they calculated 100 knots cause with AC MHD you can avoid electrolosys which you cant do with DC system. They were STOPPED by going AC MHD probably cause high frequency AC MHD with low work function materials (lower than infra red or perhaps adding a heating element for electrons could work too) propulsion becomes INERTIAL propulsion Mike McCullough is doing just capacitator experiments without magnets and getting better propulsion than nasa
  • @allenbarrow4904
    The US Navy did the same research in the 1980s on MHD. JUST GOOGLE IT and save your trial and Errors efforts.
  • @KaliFissure
    Have you considered using higher voltage dc pulsed to keep power usage down and use the inertia in the water itself.😢
  • @Jkauppa
    try a water tunnel, where the water moves not the boat, to get the max speed :)
    Joule thief circuit. could increase the voltage and gain more autonomy? 🙏🏼🇧🇷🌱👍
  • @kenwebster5053
    Well, catamarans are not always the fastest, especially when we have the same displacement. For displacement hulls, there are 2 types of drag: 1.Skin drag is just the friction of water molecules against the surface. 2. Wave making drag which is basically energy lost to creating wake, or trying to drive the hull over it's own wake. Skin drag is minimised by minimising surface area. However, the minimum area for a given displacement is a hemisphere, but that is not good for wave making drag. Wave making drag is low at low speeds & increases very gradually until the hull gets to a speed close to than of a wave of the same length as the hulls waterline length. As this speed is approached, wave drag rises very steeply to the point of imposing a speed limit on the hull. This is hull speed, & is a function of the hulls length & its fineness ratio. Cats have a finer hull, so they have a higher hull speed than a monohull of the same length. That is not how we design boat hulls though. We design a hull for a speed and displacement, ore for a power and displacement. We don't design a hull to go faster than is needed, but we may design it to go as fast s possible for the available power & displacement. Also stability and sea keeping of course, but that'ballast
  • @anson6747
    hi sir, im super interested in this prototype. and i wan to pursue this project. may I consult u for more information please thanks?