Ray Dalio’s Warning: America is Headed Towards an Economic “Crisis”

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Billionaire investor Ray Dalio is warning about a 34 trillion dollar debt fueled tsunami that is about to strike the US economy. With each passing second, this storm is getting larger and larger, making it even more painful when it finally does hit. The fallout of which will likely be felt for generations.

With each passing second, the US national debt grows. Adding fuel to the potential debt crisis Dalio mentioned in that clip. However, until relatively recently, this hasn’t mattered much. But according to Ray Dalio, things are now finally starting to change. Here’s why.

For the better part of the last 100 years, US government bonds have been considered by many the safest investment in the entire world. The US economy is absolutely massive, and the country is home to many of the largest companies on the planet. This dynamic provided protection in the eyes of investors. The thought being that if you lent money to the US government, you didn’t have to worry about whether or not you were going to get paid back. As the taxing authority of the world’s largest economy, if the US government ever ran into trouble, it could simply raise taxes and use that money to pay back borrowers.

Because of this, US government bonds have been viewed by investors and the finance community as the only truly quote unquote “risk free” investment that exists. This commonly accepted belief has led to US government bonds being extremely popular investments for everyone from individual investors, to pension funds, to banks, and even other countries. The supply of investor money wanting to purchase government bonds has consistently exceeded how much money the government has needed to borrow. As a result, borrowing money has always been relatively cheap for the US government. However, that dynamic may finally be starting to change. The ripple effects of which would be felt throughout the world.

コメント (21)
  • @jotai99
    If Empire can learn from the past, Rome will still be here today.
  • @duinay3
    Things are bad when people can't afford to eat
  • @goldcic
    We have been bankrupt for a long time.
  • @yatodoexiste
    After WWII another important factor in favor of the US is that it won the war and all other competitor countries were bankrupt and even with completly destroyed infrastructure. That made an easy path for the US.
  • @KeenlyJohnas
    I speak with a lot of people around the globe - my work was related with traveling to manufacturing plants across EU, US, Middle East and Asia for 20 years between 2001 and 2021. We discuss sometimes what is happening in USA for these two decades - and our personal observations (empirical - let’s put politics aside) are universally in accord that life for the middle class there has become gradually stiffer and less abundant over these years wit a clear trend downward. Frankly - I’m from Eastern Europe and USA doesn’t seem the “rich and abundant” place to live anymore (not gonna even touch the crime issues) like it was in the 90s. So, the writing is on the wall - and unless leadership drastically changes, huge crisis is about to come sooner or later.
  • The iron law of simple math will hit us all like a Mac truck.
  • Way too much deficit spending. We’re at the tipping point or maybe past it, when our future will no longer be in our own hands.
  • It is not a matter to find buyers of government debt; it is the matter of significantly reducing government debt by throwing the brakes on Congress recklessly throwing money around, particularly to foreign nations and the IMF.
  • Until now “hasn’t mattered much”- outrageous. It’s always mattered.
  • In these uncertain times, it's more important than ever to have a solid understanding of how to manage your finances, invest wisely and navigate economic downturns. But my primary concern is how to grow my reserve of $240k which has been sitting duck since forever with zero to no gains, sure I'm all in on the long term game, but with my savings are lying waste to inflation and my portfolio losing gains everyday, I need a remedy.
  • I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my entire life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Michelle Stewart.
  • @AciewillGW
    We can't ignore the potential impact on portfolios. Bonds are often considered a safe haven, and if they crumble, investors like me might scramble. I’ve been investing for 11 yrs and my $1m portfolio has never been this depleted, how i do hedge this?
  • @ranar1036
    Don't worry, Mr Dalio. Keep the printing press rolling!!!
  • How about getting people to pay taxes, paired with corporate subsidy cuts. Go after the easte in gov. Spending.
  • @jejohnson104
    facile analysis debt to gdp is a silly ratio when debt is part of gdp. take it out . the end segment talks increased econ growth but doesn't account for additional debt. growth --yes. but govt spending must also slow.
  • What about Modern Monetary Policy (MMT), has the US past the level of full employment when it come to financing debt in its own currency ?
  • @ryanshuell
    If the government would stop wasting money, this problem would self-correct almost immediately.
  • @maxwolf8055
    Unfortunately, those who know the least about the issue are the most confident in their knowledge. And this is not a quote from a popular public page, but the harsh truth of the Dunning-Kruger effect. The more qualified and professional we become in any field, the more we realize how incompetent we are and how much we still have to grow. Sometimes it's inspiring, and sometimes it's depressing. PS. He became wiser and older. Money matters less to smart people, but stupid people don’t understand this and consider as gods those who dig gold mines before the age of 100, like Buffett, and forget about the existence of other more important things in life