‘Read the fine print’: AEMO reveals the cost of renewables push

Published 2024-06-27
AEMO’s newly released plan claims Australia’s renewables push will cost around $122 billion from now until 2050 but the Centre for Independent Studies Energy Program Director Aidan Morrison says this is simply not credible.

“If you read the fine print and scroll to the bottom of the page of the press release on AEMO’s website, you’ll find the exclusions printed there,” he told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

According to Mr Morrison, AEMO’s document “does not include the cost of commissioned, committed or anticipated projects, distribution network upgrades”.

All Comments (21)
  • @peterching2125
    what AEMO means is that 122 billion is the cost of administration and bureaucracy of the labor government without actually changing or building anything.
    The comments made here really amount to nothing more than good, plain, common-sense. We all knew that renewables would never meet guaranteed 24/7 base-load requirements. The effects upon the land and sea scapes are reason enough to dispel such fantasy...
  • @anomadhunter
    It is an urgent matter of national security that such low competence leaders are being allowed to dismantle the economy of our once great country. Albo, please call an election soon so that the people of Australia can show how sensible they are....oh wait 🤔
  • @Pedroaghyu
    Australians voted for socialism, and that’s what you got
  • @jmcham1000
    and no account for the Labor parties unicorn farms
  • @imeagleeye1
    Let's get real shall we use our own natural resources Gas Coal Oil. We sell it to overseas investors and interests and Australians suffer. Come on Aussie.
  • @raybond1234
    Labor needs the boot hard there going to send us back to the stone age.
  • @neuralwarp
    If I buy bread, the bakery is responsible for all its own up-front costs. Why don't renewable energy providers have to do the same?
  • @99bevo
    here's the reality .. To meet 85% target the cost will see the consumer sitting in darkness freezing or a step away from a heat stroke unable to afford to their run air conditioning & heating system's or even turn the lights on & business will move to other countries with a much more affordable energy cost to remain viable ... Putting the none included costing into the Australian labour government plan will ruin Australia entirely sending the Australian way of lifestyle into a lifestyle similar to that of a poverty stricken 3rd world country for many of its citizens.... Labor make me sick they are trying to pull the wool over the Australian populations eye's by not telling us the truth about the all up cost to meet the net zero targets with their renewable energy only plan ... They haven't even done the proper costing is my bet because they are incapable of running a lemonade stand to make a profit let alone be able to work out a properly costed plan for the future of Australia's energy requirements. Its time for the outgoing Governer General to make his mark on his time a the Governer General & prolong his departure by sacking the Australian Labour Government .. Australia just simply can not afford any more of their lies & expensive failed ideas ... Sack this federal government & call an early election Please before irreversible damage is done ..
  • @KT-bb1tb
    Just Shows the value of AEMO.....Zero !
  • @Berserker978
    122 Billion would be the Maintenance Alone and thats being conservative. 😆
  • AEMO is a political activist organisation. They do NoT represent the Australian electricity consumer
  • @xxHydroponicxx
    This is unbelievable. The future of our children and country is being stripped by these sociopathic compulsive liars
  • @bing11armo
    It's just like any other labor projects. They say a figure but they always have a budget blowout in the end.😂
  • @unclemark8939
    Solar panel dont last forever, did they factor in replacement & ongoing maintenance costs ?
  • @yakidin63
    Labor using the nuclear cost as a deflection from their own under handed costings. Nuclear won't be costed by companies effectively till it's made legal to use in Australia. Imagine the cost of replacing all those solar panels in 20 years time then finding a hole to bury them in.