Carcinoid syndrome update #3 and a little song by Chris Walters

Published 2020-06-26
Middle of the night and I can't sleep

All Comments (5)
  • @GaryEllis
    Chris, I'm up uncharacteristically early, today. I was sitting quietly which is when phrases drift into my awareness. Today I 'heard', "I'm surrounded by your favor." As is characteristic when I write some contemporary verse, I opened my channel to find some music to play in the bg and I saw this new video of yours and so I opened it. A couple of things I would like to leave with you at the moment: 1. The first stanza of the psalm for you to soak in: "I'm surrounded by Your favor, Soaked completely with Your love, There is nothing that can harm me, Your great grace is my reward." The second thing I would like to advise: On one hand, allow yourself to be angry for a few moments as you feel it. Then let it pass on through as you refocus on what brings feelings of gratitude to your heart about the same thing. Keep focusing on that feeling for a few minutes. Allow that cycle to keep repeating throughout your waking hours. When Karen had her cancer several years ago now, she, of course, would have times of unsettled feelings, but mostly she felt calm. She asked me if I thought she was in denial. My response was that she was experiencing the grace that she hadn't done anything to earn but was stronger than her doubts. So, remember..."You are surrounded by His favor, Soaked completely with His love, There is nothing that can harm you, His great grace is your reward."
  • I feel so privledged to get the opportunity to listen to you and watch you travel this journey Chris! I can clearly see that a power greater than yourself is leading you down the path. Please keep on playing your great music and keeping us updated ! I'm totally here for you and Cyd! May the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding be with you! You are a living example that you can do all things through Christ who gives me strength Chris!!! I'm praying for you and look forward to seeing you ! Wishing you many blessings, peace, and laughs ! Travis Mitchell