How I Plan 2024 with Index Cards (Functional Planner)

Published 2023-11-19
In this video I will show you how to organize your life in 2024 using an index card system, inspired by Sidetracked Home Executives and the 12 Week Year.

I love chatting about index cards and learning how others use them as well. Using an index card planner, for meals, contacts, storage, project planning, goal setting - I am also using them for organizing a novel.

My Etsy shop, Time & Tide Plans features the card deck used in the video as a digital download. You download the pages that you'd like to use, print, cut, and organize the cards. There is also an option to edit using Canva if you're interested in customizing your card deck!

The two products pertaining to this video you can start with are either the Just Get Started Card Deck, that included pre-made home management cards OR the Just Date Dividers with the Blank Space Cards that helps you DIY today.

Just Get Started


DIY with:
Blanks Space Cards & Just Date Dividers…

Of course you can always use your typical index cards and DIY as well!

FREE Planner Card PDF:

Books mentioned (affiliate link):
Sidetracked Home Executives by Pam Young and Peggy Jones
12 Week Year by by Brian P. Moran and Michael Lennington

Passion Planner Road Map:

00:00-02:50 What you need
02:50-05:11 Why it works
05:11-06:30 Find your priorities
06:30-07:00 Vision Board & Affirmation Cards
07:00-09:00 Weekly Rhythm
09:00-11:09 Daily Cards
11:09-12:05 Weekly Cards
12:05-12:41 Personal Cards
12:41-15;52 Monthly, Seasonal, Annual Cards
15:52-17:34 Meals & DIY
17:34-20:33 Month Cards & Dividers
20:33-21:00 Date Dividers
21:00-23:01 Misc. Dividers
23:01-27:52 Start Organizing
27:52-29:42 12 Week Year Planner Cards
29:42-30:39 Mind Map Actions
30:39-32:12 Make your Action Cards
32:12-32:24 Organize into Weeks
32:24-34:13 Weekly Scorecard
34:13-35:26 Organize Your 12 Week Actions
35:26-36:15 Make it Easy to Use

All Comments (21)
  • Timing your tasks is a game changer, especially for the things you either procrastinate on or that you dislike doing. I intensely dislike vacuuming the stairs. Not so much when I know it's only going to take me five minutes and 48 seconds. I put off changing the litter tray. I might as well do it now, it's only going to take seven minutes and 30 seconds. See? That wasn't so bad, now was it? Try it. It might help.
  • @karenrich9092
    Thank you for remembering Pam Young and Peggy Jones along with this system. They realized that doing this on cards eliminated the need to write a to do list every day. As you said, it also allows others to pitch in on cleaning the home. These sisters wrote several books. My favorites are their original one, From Pigpen to Paradise, Catching Up on the Kitchen for planning menus and cleaning the kitchen, and finally, The Happiness File for setting life goals. If you are new to this system, you'll need a box for your cards. I took the shipping box the store had because it would hold the cards until I could get an actual box. The system isn't really mobile, but it can be noted in a planner or on your phone to reference when you're away from home. Again, thank you for remembering these 2 women who "Saved lives with 3 x 5's".
  • @firewalkerbarb
    I have used this system sjnce 1985. I actually met Pam and Peggy years ago. So sorry Pam died last year.
  • @prudence7268
    Oh my gosh, Pam and Peggy also had a great book called “The Sidetracked Sisters Happiness File.” I bought it in the 80s right after I graduated from college and I still have it because it has great sentimental value to me. It was the first (of many!) times I bought a book and supplies and thought “This! This is life changing!” You can’t beat that excitement! If you know, you know….
  • @katasticone
    I was a part of the SHE community a million moons ago. It's so lovely to see Pam and Peggy credited with this system. It absolutely changed my life. If you were in the SHE community, please comment. I've always wanted to reconnect with you lovely ladies. I still have some of the old recipes from the board that I use today!
  • @dachsymom5232
    I have the original book. Its blue and published in 1977. My Mom gave it to me when my 2nd son was born in 1999. I have used some version of Peggy & Pam's system since. Now that we are empty nesters I've adjusted it to our more simple life. But it sure saved me as a young Mom. Everyone would always ask me how I was so organized. My answer... 3x5's. "You have to read the book to get that." Now I use planner/control journal and more of a Flylady system/Marla. Try it . Stick with it. You wont regret it.❤
  • @Patricia-lg8vg
    I am old enough to have followed pam and Peggy - gotten their tapes - followed their news letter - she's on track etc. . it really made a difference in my life! I still have my card file.
  • @toristjamcamp
    Your delivery kept me til the end. Now on to another video. Your style jives with how I like to consume information..yay!
  • @cherihendrix3076
    My mom used this method in the 80’s. I loved it and tried many times to incorporate it into my home management. I now have a version of it that I’ve digitized and I add that week’s cleaning items into my digital planner. I loved the book “12 week year” and have had some success with quarterly planning and not waiting a full year to review. Im glad to see Pam and Peggy are still influencing women 30 years later and I’m not the only one doing my kitchen curtain washing twice a year.
  • @louisacahan831
    I followed Pam and Peggy and loved them and their system. When FlyLady Marla adapted their system (with their approval) I followed her. When FlyLady Mentor Kat adapted it further, I began following her. I still follow her and Marla, and I still remember Pam and Peggy with love!
  • I can see this being a helpful tool for retirees/seniors and their adult children or caregivers so everyone knows what is happening when/getting shifted to another date. It is less overwhelming to just grab a few cards than to see what will/has happened on a monthly or weekly spread. I love the flexibility. I set mine up with file folders just because I already own a ton of them and I don't travel much. I also like the large format. I did have to make my desk area friendly for this, though.
  • @debkincaid2891
    I used this system more than 25 years ago. Bought the book & made up my color coded index cards. Wonderful system!
  • I use to follow Pam and Peggy and their program. I had the vhs tapes. They were so funny. They said “we change lives with 3 by 5’s. Miss them. Good video.
  • I hadn’t ever heard of this system, or Pam and Peggy, before this video came up on my “For You” page. What great information and, as an index card lover, I’m excited to try a DIY version of it for Q1 2024 and see how it goes. Thank you 😊
  • @user-dc3zl2wy3y
    I am 65 and had The sidetracked home executives book when my kids were little. I loved that book but now I don’t need something so comprehensive. I do have a monthly list that is in a protective sleeve that I refer back to. For example, for January I have shred old files(7 years back), make new schedule of payments spreadsheet, birthday cards for February birthdays, etc. As far as deep cleaning goes, if I see something that is looking pretty dirty I get it done in the next couple of weeks. I’ve always been naturally organized, I have no clutter, and I’m retired so I have much more freedom.
  • @joycemoore6949
    I still have my original cards. Now retired and widowed, I have MUCH fewer things to do, but I have, when overwhelmed with things, pulled out the cards box and got re-centered.
  • @kaydixie5727
    This very helpful even for low-tech folks (like myself), because they set up their systems manually! Thank You!
  • @mariebyrne5114
    Love seeing this system explained from start to finish. Great video! Thank you.