Onderduikershol Drie.

Published 2024-05-06
Onderduikershol Drie is the name of a special place, hidden in the forests around Ermelo. It was purposfully so: it was a shelter, a hide-out for people in the Second World War, being in use between Februari 1943 till it's discovery in Juli of the year 1944.

It gave shelter to both downed Allied pilots and Dutch people in hiding. It had a stove(4), a cooking area(3) and a kitchentable with chairs(2). The sleeping quarters(5/Green) where seperate, and later an extra sleeping area(6/Green) was added. You entered it through a trapdoor with a ladder(1/Blue) and a hallway of 8 meters brought you to the livingquarters.

The escaperoute(7/Red) was well designed: a 75 meter long trench, dug deep and covered over with logs and branches for camouflage snaked away from the dug-out. It had bends and turns so escapees couldn't be hit by schrapnel or bullets from behind when running for their life. On the day of it's discovery by the German soldiers all 13 people who where inside at that moment escaped safely. The Germans shot up the shelter but the escaperoute did it's job.

Thank you Jeffrey, my friend for taking me to this place. Showing it to me.

If anyone has more knowledge about this place, please write it down in the comments.
Doesn't have to be in English, i'll happily translate it. But these kind of places are a important part of history, of resistance. It is good to get that knowledge out there, into the world.

Filmed by Rubenski! on the 7th of April 2024.
Maar de Vogels Zingen Nog.

3D Ontwerp: AMNICUS Architecten, Nijkerk
#Onderduikershol #OnderduikersholDrie #DrieOnderduikershol #OnderduikersholSprielderweg #Sprielderweg #Drie #ermelo #4mei #5mei #2minutenstilte #2minutesofsilence #silentwalk #silentwalker #walking #walkingvideo #walkingaround #history #ww2 #wo2 #shelter #hideout #undergroundshelter #ww2history #0nderduiken #onderduikers #tweedewereldoorlog #2ewereldoorlog #geschiedenis #nederland #nederlandsegeschiedenis #historie #obscure #obscurefacts #walkingtour #virtualwalk #rubenski #rubenski2024 #2024

All Comments (3)
  • @rubenskiii
    Onderduikershol Drie is the name of a special place, hidden in the forests around Ermelo. It was purposfully so: it was a shelter, a hide-out for people in the Second World War, being in use between februari 1943 till it's discovery in juli of the year 1944. It gave shelter to downed Allied pilots and Dutch people in hiding. It had a stove(4), a cooking area(3) and a kitchentable with chairs(2). The sleeping quarters(5/Green) where seperate, and later an extra sleeping area(6/Green) was added. You entered it through a trapdoor with a ladder(1/Blue) and a hallway of 8 meters brought you to the livingquarters. The escaperoute(7/Red) was well designed: a 75 meter long trench, dug deep and covered over with logs and branches for camouflage snaked away from the dug-out. It had bends and turns so escapees couldn't be hit by schrapnel or bullets from behind when running for their life. On the day of it's discovery by the German soldiers all 13 people who where inside at that moment escaped safely. The Germans shot up the shelter but the escaperoute did it's job.