My Favourite character in 40k

Published 2024-05-16
And why do people love them so much?

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Music used:
OMORI OST - 004 - Spaces Inbetween
OMORI OST - 044 - Where we used to play

The individual who did my profile pic!

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All Comments (21)
  • @Balrog4242
    Sly Marbo was given lethal primaris geneseed duiring the alpha primaris test project but his DNA kicked the butt of Big E's DNA and the implants just fell off his body.
  • @MinkxiTes
    Ciaphas Cain. He feels relatable in a way. Just someone that is actually afraid and tries to survive and keep up a character that everyone sees in him. His books are written in a fun way. He is an accidental hero.
  • @goodolgregg
    My favorite character is Asavan Tortellius, the fat priest from Helsreach. In the middle of this cataclysmic war between the imperium and the largest single horde of Orks to invade an imperial war, he's simply a priest who leaves the relative safety of an EMPEROR CLASS TITAN to gather survivors, administer any aid he can, and once he found himself in a bunker during the worst of the seige encouraged even the hard line and zealous Sisters of Battle to show compassion to the refugees. He doesnt fight, doesn't swear fiery vengeance on the Xenos, Heretics, or do anything you'd expect from a member of the normally villainous Ecclesiarchy. He just helps people. A prime example of the true heroes of any conflict being the ones who do their best to shield the innocent from it.
  • @hd9y1jdjad
    I love Kharn because I am a baboon. Chain axe go brrrr (his pre-heresy arc is quite good and I dig his post-heresy depections)
  • @DemonicEngineer
    The Changeling. He's turning the Grim Darkness of the Far Future into Looney Toons. He literally put a whoopee cushion on the Skull Throne.
  • @NemFX
    Gabriel Seth. Sometimes written a little inconsistently, but this is a guy who knows he's holding the losing hand. He KNOWS he's boned. He knows that unless his army can walk a very fine line, they'll lose to their bloodlust, and be remembered as failures, known only slightly better than the traitorous World Eaters. He's seen it happen to the Knights of Blood (IN A VERY UNSUBTLE BOOK THAT MADE A CHAPTER ONLY TO KILL THEM OFF LIKE TWO PAGES LATER) and doesn't want that for himself. So, they use the Flesh Tearers to their best effect. Hit and run tactics, guerilla combat, fighting where there are the fewest civilians possible, etc. The Flesh Tearers have been given a few lucky breaks, but even then, they are bilging water out of a sinking ship. If anything happens to Seth, there's a solid chance the Flesh Tearers will probably fall apart.
  • @RunningBear2525
    Trazyn the Infinite. I love him because he's a bit of a troll who doesn't really let much stop him from filling up his museum. He's the reason I even got into Necrons in the first place.
  • @davidmoslow4177
    Xarl from the NL omnibus. He was a sour bastard who always acted like he didn't care, but in the end laid his life down to save his brothers.
  • Hlaine Larkin, the Tanith Sniper who went so crazy he hit a stack overflow error and came out sane. Also on the tabletop he's literally the most dangerous non-augmented human sniper in the Imperium. He's not quite a Vindicare, but probably could've been one if he had been picked up in his youth.
  • @kooz8279
    Barabas Dantioch is my favorite. He stayed dedicated to the right cause, and he kicked ass in the horus Heresy. Also, I appreciate the complete package of his story. His death was very tragic and heart pulling, and his relationship to his Imperial fist bro showed how well the two legions could have worked. Also, it is so very comical how his sacrifice overloading the teleporter called in the tyranids 10,000 years later. Very cool
  • Currently, my favorite is a character from the Titanicus book, Gearheart. He’s an ancient titan princeps who has all the usual badass quirks of making quips as he takes titans out left and right and having little eccentricities like asking his crew personal questions and just being charismatic. I like him a lot because when the book shifts to his perspective, you see him extremely afraid of losing himself to the titan, and essentially dying of dementia. He’s constantly trying as hard as he can to connect with people around him, to stay human and have friends, but he’s always kept a little at bay interpersonally because he’s THE leader of the titan legion, and he’s a badass with the nickname “The Red Fury”. He even starts to mix up names of people who died long ago, and at one point you see him berate himself and call himself stupid because he was actually bonding with his moderati but then called him the wrong name and thus distanced himself. It’s so interesting because I feel like in media we’re not often given a look into the fears and flaws of “badasses” without just making them complete messes or a “never meet your heroes” type of disappointment that is just faking their strength. He is strong, courageous, and an unwavering and inspiring leader, and also very afraid and a normal man trying to retain his humanity through friendship.
  • @ban1me540
    My favorite character is Vorx from The Lords of Silence. He's really relaxed and amiable (for a chaos marine), and still very intelligent. He knows that as a chaos lord his authority will always be challenged, but he takes a slow and methodical approach, dealing with the issues that face him and his warband with as little work as necessary. The way he dealt with the traitor in his crew towards the end of the book is one of the funniest and most satisfying comeuppances I've ever read.
  • @MrPapamaci88
    Perturabo. He embodies what most of human society sorely lacks: competency. Can't wait his proper return!
  • My favorite character so far Talos from night lord's trillogy. I like how even though he is a night lord that there are many moments of having a qualities of a good person. I love to see the humanity and kindness that can still come out characters who denied that they ever had it.
  • @Nightcall.
    The Lion. He’s the embodiment of tradition meeting the future and rapid change. He’s evolved to be far less rigid over time, and his relationship with the Watchers is fascinating.
  • @Babayaga962
    Shark Daddy Tyberos the Red Wake. I think he is an example of how 40k lore is a perfect balance of being really cool and absolutely bonkers. The idea of a being that large moving so quietly is awesome to me. Some of my favorite sections in any 40 media are the ones where guys like Corvus are so unbelievably massive, but are so good at hiding. To be honest, with the technology available in the 40k setting, it’s not as impossible as it might seem. Konrad Kurze literally being in the walls of the invincible reason is both hilarious and absolutely terrifying. I love fantasizing about Corax never letting Lorgar sleep in the warp. My favorite thing about Tyberos is that he speaks so quietly. It’s not what you’d expect from somebody his size, but once you think about it, not only does it make sense for him to talk like that, it also makes him even more scary than he already was.
  • @pedropierre9594
    Dante is my favorite, guys special, but the way he maneuvers social situations like few others in a world where its not that great is what makes him my favorite
  • @TheRemembrancer
    Favourite Character. Now that's a toughie (if we don't count Jaghatai.) Honestly I think Garro is amazing, might be a boring answer but I luv me Knight of Grey =]
  • Argal Tal, I like the idea of him being the first possessed but also the first to create a symbiosis with his demon
  • @Alphariuslevrai
    Imagine bro tease us the most loved character and he proceeds to talk about john gramaticus😂😂 Or erebus💀💀💀💀