SHIBA INU: what google won't tell you

Published 2023-07-24
We have all heard about SHIBA INUs personality and character and by now, we all know too well about the stereotypes about this amazing breed. Since I have had Aoki, I realized that there are a lot of things that are not 100% right...especially what google and other tells you about them.

Aoki is wearing PEACHY DOGS harness & collars
Get 15% off with our code AOKI15


AOKI raw diet is Faim Museau, Karnivore Pets and The Raw Kitchen
Get 10% off with our code AOKI10

All Comments (21)
  • @larrysmith5413
    I have fostered at least 10 Shiba’s and have had three. My last two loved water, were incorrigible rabbit hunters, mischief makers and escape artists with the female of the two the master planner. My current female is a homebody, can’t imagine running out of the house, going swimming, or walking in the rain. She’s all about being a good girl. Each of the dogs I’ve known has had a unique personality.
  • @HockeyPurist
    We've had 2 Shibas a girl and boy - they are exact opposites. The only thing they have in common is we can walk them off leash. We didn't have to teach the girl who was smarter, but she barks & hated everyone & loved to eat everything and woke us up to eat, super loyal to my husband and follows him everywhere. Koji is silly, playful, loves everyone, cuddles, never barks, and picky eater.
  • @aadelela
    His little toes on the scratchboard!! I've been following you since you only had a couple videos up, and it's been so refreshing to follow you two. I'm picking up my own shibe in a couple weeks, so your videos have been very helpful ☺
  • @dpoultski2499
    I glad to see the harness struggle. Ours loves his walks but when I pull the harness out, he runs the other direction. After about 3 attempts, he goes to the door and waits for me to come and put it on. It's almost like he has to prepare himself to allow me to harness him.
  • @Feevanwonder
    I love your videos ❤ so exciting to watch 🥰 Aoikis routines are so interesting 😊
  • @krystal6137
    I have 3 shibas and each one is so very different! They are all pretty lazy but have bursts of energy when hunting lizards or playing. The other thing they have in common is that all 3 like to cover their nose when they sleep either with a blanket, pillow or paw. Personality wise I have a calm stoic one that wants to be near you but not on top of you, a cuddly attention seeking one that does airplane ears and wants to be picked up for belly rubs and the third one likes to scream at the other dogs and boss them around and likes to snuggle on his own terms and will demand pets. I have my hands full with them!
  • Beautiful!! I hope to have one next year. We had Labradors before… I love your channel!
  • @rinnapayod
    I’m a new shiba mom and I love your videos. Starting to train my Nala and you gave me a lot of ideas. 😊
  • @Degrafito22
    Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! It's been two months since I've got my little shiba Mochi and he's also suuuper lazy when it comes to go outside, I was so surprised about this! Btw, the idea of using a scratchboard is so smart to sharpen their nails! Do you have a specific material/brand to do it? Thanks so much Anais! :D
  • Everything you’ve said is so accurate. I have to run around the house to get her to put harness on. I don’t understand…is she afraid of the outside in general?
  • @brokerbrice3119
    Thank you for your video. I honestly thought something was bothering my Shiba Inu, but I guess it is normal behavior. • Absolutely lazy dog. Sleeps most of the day and night (~16 hours). She prefers under the bed or couch • Very picky eater. I cook 93% lean ground beef & eggs, topped with carrots, rice, and small spoon of peanut butter. Still doesn’t eat… shame waste of food. • When curtain is open, she barks at everyone who passes by. LOL • She is very reluctant to walk pass by elementary school with kids in the playground • It is so difficult to put her harness on… I hide the harness in my pocket then corner her in a closed bedroom.
  • @pokerclaudio01
    my puppy expects every human to greet him.. if not he will come and say hi himself
  • @dylanmiller3962
    I have a 6 month shiba His name is Iroh and that dude is obsessed with other dogs and kids he is raised with our 3 year old daughter. He is very load when we eat if we dont share anything with him, he also is constantly trying to convince our cat to play woyh him
  • @lianemorneault7322
    My Shiba Inu is the same when it comes to food! He can go all day without eating if he just doesn't feel like it
  • @davidshort2609
    Kiyo is similar (doesn't like kids, only eats when he wants to---except for anything with or flavored like Peanut Butter, that he goes for immediately!). Sleeps maybe 12 hours in 24. Loves to go outside anytime but makes it very clear when he's ready to go back inside (ie, on long walks he'll just suddenly turn around and start walking home, pulling leash hard lol). Loves attention and being close.
  • Every Shiba has their own, very distinct personality. They do not fit easily into any general What You Need To Know description.
  • @anonanon17
    Maybe it’s because he’s neutered. Makes Shiba either skittish or lazy