Detransitioning: Why Did I Even Transition? (FTM Transgender)

Published 2019-11-09
Hello everyone! Today I just want to share with you why I am detransitioning into living as a woman again and why I transitioned into a male appearance in the first place.

I think there is not enough visibility for detransitioners, often our stories and experiences are shut down because of fear and the risk of right wing or religious parties misusing them. But it is incredibly important to show that there are other narratives besides the typical "transgender story". Transition is not the solution for everyone experiencing gender dysphoria.

All Comments (21)
  • @makaeellis1798
    Wow this is very informative. I’m ftm and I’ve been doing a lot of research on transitioning and it’s good to here the transition stories but also the detransition stories. Good luck with everything that is ahead for you!
  • Don't worry about your voice... be happy that you are free and aware that you made a mistake. I am proud of honesty!
  • @SP-rk9ht
    I don't think we talk enough about how much the fact that girls and women cannot go topless affects us. I have had this exact experience myself - being told I have to cover up my chest even before my breasts have started developing and feeling like I was dirty. A few female friends said they have had the same experiences. It's like our bodies are obscene, sick, dirty.
  • @LornaSGal
    So honest, wise and very moving. Societal norms are driven by making kids into perfect lifelong consumers, creating intense insecurity around girls' self esteem with hyper 'feminine'/ sexualised images. You have made an incredibly brave choice and all I can tell you is that life will make more sense in time. I hope you find love from compassionate, brave and great people like yourself.
  • In all honesty, my brain doesn’t even see gender when I see someone. I just automatically have a realization of them being attractive, which you definitely are. I hope that women who like to appear with more traditionally “masculine” traits or outward appearance are accepted soon, over people maybe feeling pressured to reassign their entire gender. Some people are valid in actually transitioning, but it’s not for everyone. I really appreciate the opportunity to learn about all points of view. Thank you for sharing. You are accepted for who you are!
  • @JV-kq8lz
    love her androgynous look, feminine face, clear skin. could be a model like rain dove
  • @louriewylde9293
    You are brave and so strong. Thank you for sharing. I am a straight female and have struggled with an eating disorder for a long time and felt angry for a long time about how women are treated and what society expects of them. One thing that has really helped me mentally is to stop associating masculinity with strength and femininity with weakness. Now I see that women are awesomely powerful. We are goddesses -- creative, capable, intelligent yet intuitive, fierce yet tender. I have grown to love my femaleness, and won't apologize for it! -- I try to embrace my masculinity and my femininity, because every person is a combination! (Still struggling with accepting fat on my body tho!-- it's a process!) Anyway, I think you're amazing, and please keep sharing! You are appreciated! X
  • @Alijae1019
    Thank you so much for your very brave video! Please keep making them, as so many young women need to hear your story and your journey. I related with every single thing you said. Much success on your journey back to being YOU.
  • I completely agree. The way media shows women would turn me off to ever want to be a girl.
  • @kisstheviolets
    thank you so much for speaking out. your story is critically important.
  • @alexxC37
    You are very brave for telling your story. I hope more people will talk about their experiences. It is super private I know but it will really help others and help parents to support their children properly. The laws where I live are getting strict about accepting a child’s transition without question. I think once more people like you come forward, treatment can be more tailored to the individual and the rush to transition slowed down just in case the person isn’t suited to transitioning. You are not the first person i’ve seen who detransitioned that had anorexia. I wish you all the best, I hope everything goes well for you.
  • Im sorry that you have been through that. I hope you find peace with yourself one day. All the best to you
  • @oldrose1750
    'The grass isnt always greener on the other side...'
  • @annelister7772
    hey, I heard about you on twitter. Thank you so much for sharing your story, you're important, brave and very strong. Stay strong and resist. All my love, support and protection. hugs from Brazil!
  • @mgc147
    As someone who struggles with mental health i related a lot went you said the two voices thing, im glad im not the only one
  • I feel like this is brave. It’s great that you uploaded this video, allowing others think twice before making a life changing decision. I hope you have happiness within wherever this journey of life takes you 💪🏾.
  • @babyfirefly1843
    Its sad that so few lesbian (female only because lesbianism is exclusionary) spaces are around today. If this woman could've grown up with and the support of older lesbians, especially butches/studs, and known about terms like 'stone butch', 'soft butch', 'femme', 'he/him lesbian', I highly doubt she would've had to go through this. MANY butches in the '50's and onward were known to bind, get mastectomies, use male or gender neurtral pronouns, pack, etc, yet they were still female and still identified as female and lesbian. Around that time because of the violence against butch/femme couples, there certainly were butches who lived as males, but this was far more due to safety and wanting to live and work how they pleased without discrimination, not due to internalized homophobia. The fact so many girls and women are transitioning due to internalized homophobia and misogyny and sexualization of girls and women's bodies is so very sad. I encourage anyone out there who is feeling sex or gender dysphoria and/or thinks they want to transition to live as a straight guy to check out the book 'stone butch blues'. Also, check out your local gay and lesbian bookstore if there is one. Try to talk to some older butches. Btw, to the woman who posted this, you are gorgeous and I wanted to tell you I think you have a really nice voice--I don't think it sounds manly at all, actually. Sending love from the states <3
  • @shisuto
    Im glad you found your truth and i wish you the best of luck and a lot of strength on your way ahead!
  • @zzzut
    You are a wonderful and stunningly beautiful human being. You are extremely articulate and you can think for yourself. I am glad you made your own decision. There are many different types of men and women. You can be androgynous and even masculine, and still be a perfectly sane and happy woman without having to alter your body permanently (BTW, many women naturally have a rich and smooth deep voice like yours. I have known quite a few). Unfortunately, too many young people fall for the lies of the transgender lobby. No one should need surgery to reach their full potential as a man or a woman.