cavetown playlist (a calm/comfort playlist)

Published 2022-09-11
- a comfort playlist -

Spotify version of this playlist here!…

now playing...

0:00 - this is home

3:45 - juilet

8:25 - fool

12:12 - boys will be bugs

16:20 - lemon boy

20:54 - talk to me

25:26 - devil town

28:27 - metor shower

32:51 - slow dancing in the dark (cover by cavetown)

[all the songs are by cavetown!! and the character is qiqi from genshin impact!]

- a calm/comfort/genshin/cavetown playlist

#comfort #cavetown #genshin #genshinimpact

All Comments (21)
  • @lemonboy200
    my classmate caught me listening to this and he was like “wth is a ‘cavetown’” and i was dying on the floor after that 🗿
  • @leahscott6105
    They didnt notice you were crying They didn't notice you were sad They didn’t notice you were tired They didn’t notice you were alone They didn’t notice how attentive you were They didn’t notice how sweet you actually are... They didn’t notice how you actually try to make others smile They did notice you failing grades They did notice your unattractive They did notice the mean side of you They did notice all your mistakes They did notice all you flaws They did notice that you weren’t good enough for them. But you stayed strong You kept going on You never gave up on hope You never let them take you down And you know they wasn’t good enough for you And that’s what make you stronger not mine but u can spread it to make someones day :) Ily all. I hope you guys get better <3 You all are beautiful, dont ever forget that. God made us with his image, so dont call yourself ugly :) no one is perfect, dont compare yourself to others. I hope you all have the greatest day ever <33 I might just be someone from the internet but i really care about yalls.. lots of love to all!! ❤❤❤❤
  • @alexarrot
    i love loud, punk music... but sometimes i just need cavetown to calm myself from whats happening outside
  • @rainydays02
    i love that you can hear his smile when he says "and they weren't too keen on compromising with a nice lemon pie"
  • @user-qf1il9pp3p
    I am Russian, and I am writing this text with a translator. I just want to say how great it is to read your comments. They give off the atmosphere of the USA, as if I am walking along these streets at sunset on a skateboard, with a backpack in which, as usual, there is a green apple, a book by Jules Verne "Five Weeks in a balloon", a sketchbook, an eraser, a mechanical pencil, a ruler, a notebook in which I write down all the works I have read over the summer (I don't know how in the USA, but in Russian schools for the summer they set a list of literature that we should read, and to prove this we write some information about the work), as well as keys, headphones, money and a phone. I'm wearing a gray oversize sweatshirt, jeans, a white cap with the inscription "Youth 1887" and my favorite black sneakers. If you have read up to this point, then I am very grateful to you. I am very sorry that because of the situation in the world, everyone considers Russians to be "bad people who want to take over the whole world," and we consider you Americans to be "damned capitalists who want to fill their pockets completely." When I tell my mom that not all US residents are terrible, she just laughs at me and says that I'm a stupid girl who doesn't understand politics. Maybe she's right, but now I'm not sure about anything for sure. I hope everything will be fine and that I didn't make so many spelling mistakes. And oh yeah, I love "Cavetown". I am 12 years old, my name is Sasha. You're a great fellow, have a good day😊
  • @ItsMeFern2019
    Cavetown has touched my heart in a way no other music quite can. Idk how to explain it.
  • Listening back to these Cavetown songs makes me feel so alone, yet calm; peaceful, yet sad
  • @dreamtoonasia
    Daily reminder: You're not useless. You're not a dissapointment. You're not dumb. You're not different. You're not compared to anyone. Because... You're loved. You're strong. You're smart. You're beautiful inside and out. You're the best version of YOU there ever is. and you're human. I know you're going through a lot of stuff right now but it'll be okay. This life is a long journey. In a journey, there are ups and downs. If you ever go down, it doesn't mean you can't go back up. Rest easy and give yourself a treat :) I love you very very much and I just want you to know that.And when you go back up, you have that space in your heart that can help others back up, as well
  • It’s about time I’ve shared my story. I’ve been mentally abused for so long that most people could call it torture. And when I say it, I’m not being dramatic. No one will ever understand what it’s like, and that’s what hurts. Yesterday, Monday, February 19th, 2024, I made a huge decision that changed my life. Five words have set me in the worst spot but also the best. I told my abusive father that I didn’t like it at his house and this caused a ruckus to the point where it’s ended up at the court. Though I don’t want to get into details, my entire life, these kind of playlists have saved me from suicide. Look, things are hard, and I won’t tell you that they aren’t as bad as my situation, but you’ve got this. Sometimes you can read that and just think “How can you just expect me to get up?” I can’t. But that’s what they need. That’s what you need. It’s okay to feel. It’s okay to ask for help. It’s okay to grieve. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to be angry. But it’s not okay to hide these feelings, all it does is hurt you more. Take your time. Small steps are the best steps. Anything that could come from this message that shouts “THAT’S WHAT MY ABUSER HAS SAID TO ME, I SHOULDN’T LISTEN TO THAT!” Turn it around. Simple things like for me, “please do things without being asked”, I try to think of it as “I need a lot of help right now and I can’t get back to you, so do you mind doing this for me?” Try this friend. Anything that is comforting, think of it. Even if it hurts. It’s best to become familiar with these things. Think of rain. Think of snow. Your favorite food. Your favorite weather. Your bestest favorite human. Or pet. It doesn’t matter. Play your viola or instrument that you chose, and strum it until you get a pure A or something. Just know there are so many people out there waiting to see a pure smile. Not some mask that you’re wearing. They want to see the smile that blows everyone away. The one that shines like sun rays. Now go do your things. Be a goddamn cheetah. We can do hard things.❤
  • @Emilia-jj9ko
    when playlist starts with this is home and you just know that it's gonna be perfect<3
  • fuck, I just now realised how much I relate to this is home. I never understood why I felt so connected to this song, I wasn't trans, I "like" being a girl. And now, understanding that im probably trans I understood why I feel so connected to this song. Ngl almost had a panic attack once I connected the dots:> EDIT:found out im transmasc and non binary, thanks for the likes and comments! SECOND EDIT: 100+ likes?!?! WOW THANKYOU SO MUCH? I never thought i could get more than 10. And i have come out to my friends and they have been very supportive! Thankyou to everyone that commented you are all amazing!
  • there are people who prefer loud and boring music, but there is also me who likes calm music that makes me think and reflect more about my feelings
  • POV : you just want peace from those hard times , so you choosed this playlist to be comforted edits : ik edits are annoying for some , but ty for 100 likes! the fact i see those likes makes me think that y'all relate to it , so take good care of ur self and have a amazing day ! i'm sure somewhone will be here to comfort u :) Edits 2 : 240 ?? man we still going ? Come here for a virtual hug then bc i'm getting worried now- 😅
  • To everyone who is doing homework, leave the chat, breathe slowly, take a sip of water, and focus To everyone who is trying to sleep, leave the chat, grab a blanket, and get the rest you deserve. To everyone who is feeling sad, grab a snack, get some water, get a blanket, and write down your thoughts. When you're done, lay down, and get some rest, no matter the time. To everyone who is creating, you got this. Your art is amazing. Remain in your flow and get stuff done! —Not mine, but pass it around guys <3
  • @sodaapopp
    Personally the music I listen to changes my mood, though I don't show it, it really does. Soft and quiet music makes me tired or calm, loud or pop music makes me motivated.
  • @lemonboy200
    I often listen to Cavetown and so does my ex gf/best friend. We both find the music relatable, and if not relatable, then we find it as something we wish to happen For example, she wants a life like the song Meteor Shower. And a song I relate to is Boy Will Be Bugs. Except I’m not 14, im a trans FTM, and I don’t talk to bugs, I talk to squirrels Or wild 5 year olds
  • so excited to go and see him in concert tommorow!! :chillwcat:
  • @RhaynRhaynn
    it makes me so sad whenever i see somebody venting in these type of songs.,u are very strong.the fact that u still continue ur life even with hard moments u still go on.stay strong warrior.❤️
  • @m1ves
    Honestly, Cavetown's songs just hit diffrent. i love them