quiet luxury is loud

Published 2023-05-14

All Comments (21)
  • @dia9916
    This quiet luxury trend is delving into respectability politics — ppl are completely ignoring that Sofia was already wealthy (like her father is literally THE Lionel Richie)
  • @ban3621
    The quiet luxury discourse shows that we’re officially in a recession.
  • @joepiekl
    It's worth mentioning that very wealthy people often don't want to advertise their wealth. There are far more billionaires that we don't know about than do, and that's because they choose to be anonymous, and arguably for good reason. But let's be honest, you can't allow a magazine to cover your wedding, presumably for a generous fee, and claim that you're not trying to flaunt your wealth. It seems like they're clearly flaunting their wealth while trying to use the aesthetic of 'old money' to give themselves some sort of credibility and distance themselves from the attention seeking that they're clearly engaging in.
  • @aduraedosa
    It’s the way Elliot was a childhood friend of Sofia, like it’s not the same. You need money to be in these circles 😂
  • @tb11212
    “As of late, hoards of people on TikTok, despite having no money to hide, are set on emulating the stealth wealth aesthetic.” 😂😂😂
  • @faithlukoson6013
    I always wondered how it is quiet luxury when we can clearly tell from the amount of money they spend, the mode of transport they use, and their access to luxury buildings/events. It's not quiet at all, boiling it all down to just their fashion is limited.
  • @alenacharlyn9469
    Honestly not having TikTok and learning about TikTok drama via YouTube is elite, would recommend
  • @LoneWulf278
    The whole fetish for wealthy people while people can barely afford their rent is bizarre. 😐 I can understand escapism. But only for fictional tv, not for real life people.
  • @munaiverse7662
    Had a finance teacher who was this really sweet guy who worked to deliver expensive brands their clothing. He told us one main thing, the clothes that come from top brands and clothes that come from standard brands come from the exact same factory
  • @taurusbeauty6364
    Sofia Richie is a horrible example of "quiet luxury" how is she quiet when she made a big deal about her wedding and she;s now on TikTok having her husband do makeup voiceovers?
  • @kseniav586
    ten years ago i was like "ugh look at the cardashians, that's so awful, proper rich people don't dress like that", now i'm like "i don't care if you're stealthy or flashy, all rich people are perfectly edible" and that's radicalisation for you
  • @alexandradf3
    I think it is important to recognize the cycle of new money BECOMING old money. For example, it is named in the video that the Rockerfellers and Kennedys are examples of old money, but the Rockerfellers were viewed as new money when they came on the elite social scene (ie. Gilded Age) and even at the height of the Rockerfeller fortune (1910s), they were still seen as new money. We only see them as old money now. The Kennedy fortune was a product of an illegal bootleg alcohol operation during prohibition (think Great Gatsby). Even in the 50s and 60s (their peak moment in American culture), the Kennedys were NOT viewed as old money. They were seen as modern, cool, and fresh. It is only now that we see their style as classic and timeless. Our PERCEPTION has changed, but we act as if our perception now is the reality that has always existed and that is incorrect. If history has taught us anything is that the cycle will continue. A new money fortune is being built at this very moment that will last for generations to come, and then in 50+ years people will look back and say, "That family is old money and so classic! They have always dressed so timeless and classic." Even though right now we think those same people from new money look trashy. Today's Tiktok influencer could be the next John D. Rockefeller...as cringey as it is.
  • @duchesseebene1273
    You know the saying 'If you can't beat them, join them'? Well it seems GenZ and the youngest millenials have realized they cannot eat the rich afterall. So they're going to join them the only way they can, which is emulating their fashion choices, or lack thereof.
  • @luluwahbarakat6612
    I just started the video, and i just had to comment on how gen z regards sophia richie as the epitomy of 'stealth wealth' when literally the entire wedding affair and honeymoon have been documented for the entire world to see. Like girl thats the opposite of quiet 😂 from my perspective, it actually seemed kind of tacky, the need to let the world know the wedding was basically sponsored by vogue and chanel, and showing off the whole affair from a to z, knowing that girlie can probably afford her own luxury wedding but chose not to.
  • @evehall5601
    "Maybe just maybe, rich people wear boring clothing because they are boring people" is actually hilarious, put it on a t-shirt pls x
  • "Old money" sounds so funny to me. Like, people think the 19th century is old? I live in Europe and my brother's friend who lives nearby resides in his family's ancestral home built in the 1600's. His whole family are lovely and really down to earth. Everything they own is of the best quality, very classic cuts that will wear well. They mostly spend money on education, their property and maintaining their giant ass house. When you're truly old money, the house owns you.
  • @Anna133199
    For those prices, there better be 0.0% exploitation of humans during the making of them. They better compensate for any CO2 emissions 10-fold, and the leather better be from animals that got to live the most amazing lives before being slaughtered, because at that price-range there's literally no excuse for anything less than stellar treatment of everyone involved.
  • @el972
    The nerve of thinking that dressing as old money is something to be proud of is so icky, like dress how you want to dress, not how you think you should dress, there’s not better or worse in terms of style, the need of being better, being more classy, more subdued because you’re of high status is such a medieval way of thinking also this video says it all, they are LOUD, these people are just so convinced that old money are better than us they seek to emulate it but we will not be seen as equals to them like ever. I’m not saying that is something wrong to dressing like this if you like it, my problem is how tik tok paints this style as more elevated than the rest just because
  • @wordswithkay
    The wealthiest personal friend I ever had (private jet multi millionaire family in agriculture and shipment 🤑) wore TJ Max, J Crew and maybe a little bit of Gap everywhere. Sometimes the “old money” plain aesthetic is also just plain, not even overly expensive. It was her jewelry that clued you in when you actually paid attention to it.
  • @NiteOfTheWorld
    It's impossible for me to express just how much I hate TikTok.