10 BIG Questions Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth Still DOESN'T ANSWER

Published 2024-03-06
We had a hundred different burning questions that we desperately wanted answers to heading into Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and while many of them were of course answered, they’ve been replaced by several new ones. The game raises tantalizing questions from beginning to end, and similar to its predecessor, in its final chapters, it bombards you with major new revelations and twists that takes further still, something that is compounded by the fact that this remake trilogy is clearly not content with just sticking to the original’s script.

With the developer wanting to tell new things, in the aftermath of Rebirth, we’re left with several huge questions about how the trilogy’s final chapter is going to bring all of the pieces set by its predecessor together.

All Comments (21)
  • @jeremyfields9009
    In part 3 we will probably get Aerith adventures in the life stream to coincide with the main story. There’s a reason why they showed us the war in the life stream with Tifa.
  • @itsdantaylor
    I'm also curious if/when Cloud will "follow the yellow flowers" Aerith mentioned this in remake during the Shinra escape but didn't know exactly what it meant because of the Whispers taking her memories. In the void we see Zack following Yellow flower petals in order to arrive to help Cloud in his multiversal battle with Sephiroth. Yellow flowers (those symbolizing lovers being reunited) are a constant theme in the game, so I'm curious if the implication by Cloud hearing these words in Remake, means that eventually he too will need to traverse the multiverse and the yellow flowers will be his 'guide' like they were for Zack.
  • @garywood97
    I don't think Cloud is seeing a spirit form of Aerith. I think he created a new timeline when he deflected Sephiroth's sword, and so he's actually split off into a different timeline where she's still alive. That would explain why he barely seems sad after she dies, and also explain why only he can see her and see the tear in the sky. So we're seeing basically two timelines being superimposed on top of each others, a split that will probably end up re-converging at the point where cloud has his famous identity crisis in part 3. Feels like something they could nicely fit into that.
  • @xWolfspridex
    My biggest “Didn’t Answer” was the point of Zack and Biggs’s timeline hops. Both of them express that they know their fates are now not the same, and both (rightfully so) question their “purpose”. Zack seems right about being “plucked” from the timeline where he died, and also being needed, which would imply the same is true for Biggs. Biggs’s fate in Rebirth currently feels completely unfinished and “plucking” him from a timeline in which he died, just for us to see him die again in a completely NEW one is an absolute waste that doesn’t hold to the theme they were implying that even “minor roles” are important. Rebirth also never addresses Jessie’s glove that we see with Biggs at the end of Remake, and it would be sloppy writing to add all these red herrings in a game about destiny/fate.
  • For Zack. It's shown three timelines. 1. At Shinra HQ 2. At Mako Reactor 3. Sitting outside the church. Can't decide which one whose to choose before Sephiroth walks by and send him to the void. Zack was never shown to have been killed in the two timelines because he didn't need to take a last stand and plus he had no reason stick around. He had somewhere else to be. It'll take more than just a squad of shinra troopers to take Zack out.
  • @lebrunjemz687
    part 3 is gonna be amazing with noctis and sora joining clou in the fight
  • @inunarugo
    I always thought that when Red felt Aerith's presence, it was more of animals that could see things that we couldn't just like kids.
  • @KrelianLoke
    Why worry so much about Gi Nattak? Just tell him "here, we've got you the black materia" and instead hand him a phoenix down.
  • @kylemartin8991
    It's an incredible game overall but they really messed up the impact of Aerith's death with all the confusion of multiple timelines. I was even satisfied with the impact of cloud saving Aerith and thought this was the case until eventually realizing like "oh, I guess she did still die then" after all the fighting
  • @DavidZMH
    I loved Rebirth and the gameplay overall but I hate that they are succumbing to the multiverse drug. I hope by the end everything gets tied up properly because if they leave it with more unanswered questions, they won't have another game to wrap it up unless they extend it to a fourth game which I don't see happening.
  • What I don’t get is the overlap. Zack being a separate timeline is understandable, but why does he make it to Midgar after Avalanche has bombed reactors and tried to escape with Aerith? Without Cloud why is Aerith even in contact with Barret and Tifa?
  • I think a cool twist to the story with the Gi would be that Red figures out a way to end their torment without giving them the Black Materia, as he vows to do in that one side quest, and in exchange, we recruit them to fight Sephiroth at the end of the 3rd game. Sort of reminiscent of the Oathbreakers from Lord of the Rings.
  • @sepherioth5568
    I don’t think Aerith in the end is a spirit at all. And it’s CERTAINLY not a hallucination, red senses her presence and the camera sticks on her AFTER cloud has left when he shouldn’t be able to hallucinate her. He’s saying a real living Aerith, just not the one exactly from his timeline. Cloud is experiencing two timelines at once. We see the rainbow flare when cloud saves Aerith, which is shown throughout the game to mean a new timeline is created. The camera than rapidly flips between cloud holding an alive aerith and a dead aerith, which is very disorienting. That’s not just to mess with us or for goofs, that’s what cloud is experiencing. TWO TIMELINES at once. Because the aerith lives timeline is created at the same time as sephiroth is trying to make timelines merge (as we see with Zack) it has the weird effect of half merging the timelines to where only cloud can see both. Its the same reason only cloud sees the rift. Because he sees both Aerith’s alive timeline; where there is a rift, and the normal one. To his friends who are only in their timeline, they don’t see the rift because it doesn’t exist for them.
  • @Fade2BlackSS
    Typical Nomura-Style, Nojima writing. Things just start happening at a breakneck pace and aren't explained (at the moment) or sometimes arent explained at all and left for interpretation. Sometimes you'll even have to go outside the game to get answers. All for the sake of subverting expectation or eagerly attempting to be "deep" or dramtic and horribly failing at it. 😒 It's a shame too because outside of the last part of the game, this game is pretty damn good.
  • @KTLaughter
    Cloud DID save Aerith though. Sephiroth explained in detail that a new timeline is created anytime someone defies fate. Cloud created a new timeline where she lives when he saves her, but he’s stuck between both timelines. That’s why he sees Aerith when nobody else does. I hope they can bring her back or merge the two timelines or something
  • @GreenHeartE7
    Please check your timestamp titles because some of them have horrible spelling mistakes on names. Sethro is Sephiroth, Zach is Zack & Aith is Aerith
  • My question is in zachs timeline it says an ex soldier with a buster sword is fighting with avalanche but how is that possible if that cloud is still mako poisoned and comatose
  • @_n8thagr8_63
    I think the new Whispers are somehow related to the white and Black materia. Just a guess, since the orb in the middle of their faces looks quite abit like materia
  • @miki49
    With the appearance of the white whispers, the whole concept of whispers to me are starting to represent the battle between good and evil that happens within the lifestream between Aerith and Sephiroth during the book “On The Way To A Smile” based on the AC movie (there are “black” and “white” lifestream sections within the book, 3 per color, that speak to this), where the whispers could essentially be the lives of those that have yet to move on to the next life, kind of analogous to ghosts in our world. Seems like they begin dark and cold, lacking forgiveness and are full of regret, as those who don’t accept their death and thus, do not assimilate to the lifestream, falling into some sort of purgatory limbo existence. I believe some whispers have now become white due to Aerith’s influence on them, essentially bringing them to her side. But I can be completely wrong, those are just my personal thoughts on it
  • @samael9633
    It's a really good video and it gives a lot of sense to the theory that this game is a sequel to Advent Children or an alternative story line of the OG FF7. As explained in the video Sephiroth is aware of the timelines, whispers are a big part of the story, Marlene has memories of the original timeline and many more other information that lead to understand how this game probably will NOT be just a better graphic version of the Original Final Fantasy 7 but a whole new direction and story. Aerith coming back also is a huge probability as implied in the video and i would love that a lot, and Zack's involvement cannot be overlooked as he came into direct contact with Cloud, talked to him and even asked him to "save her".