Malthus, population growth and the resource base

Published 2014-04-01
This short video explores the ideas of Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) and his predictions for the growth of the human population. The video investigates the background of Malthus' ideas, the mathematical basis of it and how it influenced the debate about population growth in the latter half of 20th century. The video concludes with a brief discussion if Malthus' predictions have come true or not in the light of the high food prices in the first decade of the 21st century.

All Comments (9)
  • @mojophe1617
    No food shortage in Ireland. During the height of the Great Hunger 90 million tons of food was exported from Ireland to England. There was enough food to feed a population of 19 million people in Ireland. The food was witheld from the Irish causing forced starvation. When you try to explain things it's important to research deeply.
  • thank you very much for this video sir, definitely helpful when studying economics ^^ Hope you will do some other ones !
  • @JanOosthoek
    I have created a new short video that explores the ideas of Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) and his ideas about the growth of the human population. The video investigates the background of Malthus' ideas, the mathematical basis of it and how it influenced the debate surrounding population growth in the latter half of 20th century. The video concludes with a brief discussion asking whether Malthus' predictions have come true or not in the light of the high world food prices in the first decade of the 21st century. I guess that this video would be useful for students to teach them about Malthus. Feel free to use it in the classroom and for assignments!
  • @davepx1
    Population growth did not "drive people to the margins of subsistence", inequality did. Malthus was wrong. Global food supply has consistently outstripped population growth: how we distribute the goods is another matter. Claiming a 21st-century slowing of crop yield growth as support for Malthus is spurious, as population growth is slowing too, and farmers don't plant to beat records, they plant to sell to people - and they plant more to sell to more people. Malthus was an intelligent man nonetheless. Right now as he saw a world with most of the people it'll ever have and more than enough to go round but without the political will or moral quality to share it, shovelling more than a third of its grain into livestock for cheap meat while millions go without basic foodstuffs, he'd be saying, "Oops".
  • A small group of people need to stop hoarding and monopolizing the earth's resources. Currently the millions that are dying of lack of basic nutrition and water - can be easily solved if the resources are distributed properly.
  • @bunney3272
    Malthus was right. We did not listen to him, and just look at the state of our planet!