Adam Copeland Proved Triple H RIGHT!

Published 2024-04-04
#adamcopeland #aew #sting

Go back and watch that HHH promo he cut on Edge back in 2013 and then look at his run in aew

All Comments (21)
  • @CrAzYnAdEz
    I agree completely. The name/character is often just as important as the wrestler him/herself. People are not interested in Adam Copeland because we spent over 20 years (30 including Edge's 10 year retirement) investing into the Edge character. Changing names is basically changing characters. To make matters worse Edge not only changed his names/character, he also changed wrestling promotions and fans. Not to mention he's 50 years old. When undertaker changed his gimmick in 2000 from the Deadman to the biker he was smart enough to keep his Undertaker name as well as keeping the same SAGA. If Undertaker returned in 2000 as Mean Mark with a completely new gimmick he wouldn't of had the successful career he had post 2000. He wouldn't be Kane's "brother" anymore, the streak storylines never would of happened, etc.
  • @noeljr.7724
    I was the number 1 ''Edgehead'' back in the day and was thrilled when he made his return at the Royal Rumble. Was disappointed when he left WWE for AEW but as a loyal follower of his I decided to check it out. It just wasn't the same and didn't encourage me to keep tuning in. Imagine the matches he'd be having now in the Triple H era.
  • @BoomboxMike1
    Another iconic wrestler that I still admire Samoa Joe. He kept his name & his personality as a good guy or villain.😁
  • @Grritz
    Every wrestler that uses a variation of a name throughout their career seem to do better than those that change names completely. Sasha/Mercedes
  • Sting was also the last Icon of wrestling, from the 90’s. Adams official run ended in 2011, as soon as it was catching steam it ended wont mention the Lita years. Then he came back in 2020. And he was a despicable heel, heels aren’t remembered like baby-faces are.
  • @lylaznboi01
    The problem is that AEW have all of these great talent but they're not sure what to do with them. You can only go so far with just having great matches. Without any build or storylines, it's just an indie show on national TV. Another thing too, they lack advertisement. Only hardcore wrestling fans know about AEW and other wrestling companies. Not a lot of casual wrestling fans know about AEW. If you go ask people in the street and ask them if they watch wrestling, most people would think of WWE. There are people who may not know that Edge, or now Adam Copeland, is in AEW. People may not know that Chris Jericho is AEW, or Big Show, Sting, or any other well-known former WWE/WCW wrestler. There are a lot of Edge fans. Some of those fans may have trickled into AEW but saw how the company presented themselves.
  • @jeremy2394
    Just those titles have no prestige and lack of story
  • @jeremyvanb821
    I never really was thrilled with Edge as a singles. Even in his prime. Not to say I disliked him or he didn’t have some great matches along the way, I just was never excited to see him. It was just “alright I guess”.
  • @StarFlagMedia
    hes an anging veteran, with a midcard belt. no one goes to events for that what are you talking about he was always meant to be enhancement lol
  • @goodini026
    and this is why AEW will never reach the success of WWE. They have the talent, and they do have amazing matches...but that only gets you so far. they have no real direction, convincing storylines, booking is all over the place, etc. they just throw together matches for the sake of saying "oh so and so wrestled so and so"...okay and? they have the potential to really rival wwe but again they don't have a clear set goal
  • @FloridaBoyy1022
    100% AGREED!!! I'm a Edge fan and my 2nd favorite wrestler of all time after Triple H...but Adam Copeland I will never buy into since he first got there...I will never be an Adam Copeland fan...But will always be The Ultimate Opportunist fan Edge...and that's why I can't buy 2k24 because Edge not being on it...not even as a legend
  • @kishore16966
    A single hof program , a 5 min clip from paul heymans induction has more views than shit aew ple
  • @dkelli6020
    AEW needs to get serious. Send the jokers packing. Thank them for building the brand, but it's big time now. Tone down the foolishness and get some actual control.
  • A 3 million dollar and is used every week on. Dynamite this guys sounds like a wwe mark