Jessica Willis Fisher

Published 2023-12-21
Jessica Willis Fisher is a singer/songwriter, performing artist, speaker, and author who believes that sharing our stories with one another will change the world. Growing up the eldest daughter in a controlling and abusive household, she performed with her family band, The Willis Clan, until her departure in 2016 at the age of 23. Her first book, Unspeakable, narrates her harrowing struggle to both articulate her childhood experience and find her true voice on the other side of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. A passionate advocate for survivors, Jessica lives in Nashville, TN.

UNSPEAKABLE:Surviving My Childhood and Finding My VoiceBrought up under the strange philosophies of her controlling father, young Jessica Willis was curious about the outside world. She wondered if other girls were forbidden to disagree with their elders. If other mothers feared their husbands. If other daddies came into their daughters’ bedrooms at night. In Unspeakable, her debut memoir, Jessica Willis Fisher gives a lacerating portrait of a girl who was famous yet unknown, dreaming of freedom and terrified of finding it. Stunning in its detailed, poetic prose, Unspeakable takes us on a journey through a chaotic and crowded childhood, first kisses and first love, an electrifying court case that brings new losses to the surface, and a tumultuous journey of a faith so different from the one Jessica first knew.WebsiteYOUTUBE

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