TekWar (TV) Episode 1 - Sellout

Published 2016-03-02

All Comments (21)
  • @kaliboo60
    I worked on this series..I enjoyed every min of it. Shatner was one of the best directors I had worked with. Extremely proud of his work n it was a shame this didn't catch on. It would have done so well now. Greg Evigan n all of the cast extremely professional n real people..well minus a few.
  • @tagreene06
    I remember when this was on USA. Seeing promos and commercials. I never watched it back in the day but I'm on a cyberpunk/ 90s nostalgia and been binge watching this gem. God I miss the 90s
  • @Zoomer30
    "Wow, having a way to get music over the net from a server. Ha! That will never catch on"
  • @chairmanzia3556
    surprisingly realistic future shopping with the holo projection of the cloth. With more online shopping, we actually do need more for the clothing fit related tech.
  • @kaliboo60
    Filmed in Toronto....I wish he would have put this out 20 yrs later than he did. Bill is a visionary and his Tek books prove that. Just wrong time. Too bad really...I loved his vision. I miss this.
  • @spillingvoid1
    This is 90's as hell and I love it. Reminds me of my of middle school.
  • @JoJoGranum
    Remember this from Canada. The amazing thing is we are now getting close to that future that TekWar is showing. This show was so before its time. Bravo, William Shatner. It’s too bad this show was so underrated. Perhaps a reboot would be an awesome idea, with Shatner’s direction of course.
  • @BuckFutterd
    I agree with some of you, this was ahead of it's time. They had flatscreens which you could use as a computer with programs (apps), you had electronic door camera locks (IRING and others) but with AI (artificial intelligence). Hell in the movie they even had their version of a smart phone but didn't use it much except in the first Tek War movie. And their computers where essentially cylinders on the desk with a screen or screens attached. The way we are going away from desktops and even laptops and PADS are getting smaller we may go this way. Shatner must have really been paying attention to the tech that might be coming out in late 1990's. Remember their wasn't even USB at this time.
  • Some really impressive predictions of life in the future. Flat screen TV's, online shopping, and the basic premise of 'Tek' (Tech) being the drug of the future is pretty spot on, and I'm only 5 minutes in. I can see why a reboot is being looked into.
  • @joee9378
    I loved working with Will in the sound editing and I do miss being in LA but as all has passed and I had to move on to bigger and better things but I do miss the conversations with him and talk about the ideas of how TEK (technology) would play out and be a big part in all our futures Miss You Will !!!! I really miss our talks
  • @flashzordon7
    Yes the best show of the 90s man really mam the music was great. And we had fun watching this show,to bad we don't get show s like this anymore.
  • @tilasole3252
    Torri Higginson good god what a pretty little thing! Still is, but damn was she fine in this! Lady in Red for sure! 😊
  • @Epictetely
    Fascinating move Bill. Live long & prosper!
  • @jayanxiety
    I remember this show being quite heavily promoted back in the day. It looked as if it might become quite the lasting franchise. Nearly a quarter-century later, TekWar is somewhat forgotten. There is no cult fan base like "Firefly" or "Babylon 5" and few people mention it when discussing their favorite sci-fi series. Sad.
  • This music score sounds just like the score to “Forever Knight”.