Are These Hasbro Fortnite Repaints Any Good?

Publicado 2022-10-14

Todos los comentarios (18)
  • Im not mad at Hasbro for this. Like you said, they have a REASON to re-use these molds. They are are not cheaping out like some Marvel Legends who use the same base bodies for certain figures, but getting the most out of their stuff. Besides, some of the repaints can look BETER as the first time they were released. Still worth buying imo. Great sculps, pinless joints, great articulation, and they look fantastic! 100%!
  • @tyestancil2783
    The repaints are great, I love that drum gun, I hope we get a default Midas soon.
  • @Cheezy006
    Chaos double agents is a good figure, but my figure’s left arm tore off at the bicep swivel. After that I don’t trust Hasbro’s white plastic. the arm tore off cuz the swivel was super tight and I thought it was just a really tight joint… nope… his arm is now glue into position and he’s in a perpetual “old man hunch” pose. After that I went to Target with 95 bucks worth of bday money and bought the Marvel Legends Controller wave Iron Man and Marvel Legends 60th anniversary Amazing fantasy Spider-Man, there probably the best figures I have in my collection.
  • @hrududery
    I just keep rewatching these videos when I discovered your channel. The lack of news for this line worries me :( :( :(
  • @sephservant
    TNTina's wrap is Radiant Zero unless I'm mistaken, bro. I love all your FN videos. I really hope this line isn't discontinued 😔
  • @RaccoonVtuber
    Do you think there's some kind of agreement between Hasbro and Jazwares or Epic that's preventing them from releasing figures Jazwares already released? Been wondering about this since we've gotten alternate versions of characters like Midas, Peely and Meowscles, but not their regular/default looks.
  • @zeff3016
    Dude I'll buy every meowscles figure even if they repaint it 50 times
  • @lorenacruz7925
    Macdowin you should review the new toon meowscles action figure
  • @carsons3511
    Where'd you get the ghost tntina? Haven't seen her before