The Secret to Transforming Your Mind — Lisa Bevere

Published 2023-11-09
Renewing your mind. Austin & I demystify what it means to renew your mind and give you practical ways to walk through that process. We hear Romans 12:2, but we don’t know how to practically take part in this transformation. This is why we want to touch on this topic with you today!

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0:00 - Lesson Teaser
0:16 - Introduction
0:56 - How to Renew Your Mind
7:23 - How This Looks Practically
8:32 - False Beliefs We Struggle With
19:15 - Replacing Lies with Truths
20:12 - Closing Thoughts

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All Comments (21)
  • @Urgodiamgod
    God was right when he said he would come to me when I was ready to handle the truth that comes along with him. I haven’t been strong enough to accept the truth. The moment I decided I was willing to trust him for the first time in my life … it immediately became apparent that his way is the only way. 💜
  • @tylercupp8540
    This is so refreshing! When I experienced miscarriage of my 14 week baby girl I had to surrender the worlds way of processing and grief, and ask God to bring healing His way. I did grieve and I was comforted by the Holy Spirit in such powerful ways. All the questions and fears and anxieties had to submit to Gods word regardless of FEELINGS. That is how I not only got through it God got me over it. “I am a new creation, the old is gone the new has come” “He has given me love power and self control over my thoughts and emotions”, He is with me, my Emmanuel, “He is close to the broken hearted”. The battle is not ours so if we our battling our feelings and emotions it is a time to just speak His word over ourselves even if we don’t feel it or our faith feels faithless He is faithful!. It was a miraculous journey of faith (not my strength to heal and move on” but His spirit at work through the spoken word of God. His words coming out of my mouth and soon my spirit and my mind. Healing in my being followed. Amazing. May your soul prosper as your spirit prospers!
  • @LauraSunga
    I'm having a really bad day. I've recently been trying to stop drinking and found, that I have a problem because I haven't been able to just stop. I'm jobless and having trouble with obtaining my degree and my only sibling passed last year. I'm single, childless and turn 38 tomorrow. I honestly feel helpless and worthless and usually I'd have a drink to feel better but I'm really trying to turn to God but I'm struggling. I try to see myself the way God does but I feel like I'm just a waste of oxygen. Lord please help me. Lord renew my mind. Lord I pray for peace and comfort. Thank You for the many things I have. The roof over my head. Warmth.. food a loving Mother. Lord I'm at Your feet crying out for Your presence and touch in Jesus Mighty Name 🙏🏽
  • Good morning Lisa, as I was listening to you and your son, talk about renewing your mind, it reminded me of when I met you a few years back at a conference. You and your husband were both there speaking at a church in Yoruba Linda, CA and that was the day that things began to break off of me! I walked in self doubt, and never felt like I was good enough for God. Thank you for your obedience and teaching others how to speak life over their minds instead of death! I think God I am free now and able to help others walk in freedom as well! God bless you, Susan
  • @renaej.7001
    That's NOT my identity. I am a new creation in Christ Jesus🙌🏾
  • @lerangm
    This was soooo pragmatic and realistic.
  • @faustman1000
    "Not to be PERFECT, but perfected." Perfect😊
  • This is amazing platform. I love this family with the agape love of God. You guys are amazing people
  • This is such a great way to tackle these false beliefs! Thank you both 💓
  • Austin, thank you for sharing how you actively in faith claimed the truth in your life. I think we hear about renewing the mind but hear little about the actual process of doing it & the difference it can make. Praise God for what He did in you, may it encourage many to be set free to be in Him too! I was encouraged.
  • @michaelekemp6679
    This is so helpful! My experience is that so many Christians, including myself, often know what to do, but not always how. Having these conversations are so important because they establish truth and turn us away from isolation. Thank you for this very practical explanation ❤️
  • @user-oc5yq1rb2h
    "You cannot change what you do not confront. If you ignore the battle, you will lose the battle." Craig Groeschel
  • @blen2006
    Thank you both, Lisa & Austin! I am so glad the video came through my YouTube feed—such a refreshing and instrumental lesson. I plan to rewatch all three videos, take notes, and commit to the tools you shared for six months, and I am confident I will see some remarkable changes. I am tired of feeling defeated, being led, and living through my feelings. Thank you again, and God bless you.
  • @lynnelewis4487
    Thank you Father for bringing Lisa into my life. This was another wonderful blessing with her son and as you already know, I cannot get enough. You already know how difficult my life has been and I can finally say that I now know where "Count it all joy" comes from. I know you arranged the way I came across Lisa's videos and I thank you and Praise your name!!! Thank you Lisa for what you are doing in the Name of Jesus Christ our Mighty Heavenly Father!!! Amen 💓🙏
  • I had 2 holes in my heart when I was born and the doctor told my parents that they couldn't take me anywhere or I would get sick but they didn't listen to him and still took me to church safely and I was healed with no surgery or anything needed now I'm 14 years old and worship and praise God every day❤
  • Love these talks, I’ve actually been going through Romans and got to 12, So perfect timing for this word. Found this so clear and helpful, I’m a very emotional person, find it hard not to get down on myself, I have been putting the mind renewal, into action this week during a crisis. Thank you, I’ll be sharing this loads.
  • @watchjoseph
    I am very thankful for your family sharing practical teaching from your experiences, to show others HOW to move from the theory and into action, as well as handing out the tools to do the stuff. You know how many Christians have gone YEARS with teaching that had them stuck in the theory with absolutely no action plan, no tools or not knowing what to do with them!