Judas: An Enigma

Published 2021-03-18
Can Judas serve as a warning to believers? Alistair Begg explains that while Judas followed Christ, he never truly gave his life to Him. His vision of Jesus’ purpose and ministry were different from God’s, and he couldn’t reconcile his desires with the Father’s plan. Following his own priorities opened the door to temptation from Satan—and he chose not to resist. If our vision for our life is shaped by Jesus, though, we will have a faith that perseveres.

Scripture: Luke 22:1
Preached: April 6, 2003

Find more sermons by Alistair Begg at www.truthforlife.org/resources/most-recent-sermons…

All Comments (21)
  • Amazing sermon! "Sin is an inside job...not a foreign invasion but a personal invitation." We all have to be so so vigilant. Thank you LORD for giving us this message from your humble servant. Thank you Pastor Begg and TFL. By the way, who would give this a thumbs down, smh.
  • The best sermon on Judas in particular I've ever heard. Thank you for posting.
  • I'm soooo happy to have found Alastair Begg. He delivers his sermons like a rockstar!
  • Wow. Incredible sermon. I have shared this with some of my friends.
  • @fredcourtney03
    I love this man’s teaching. Straight from the book but so funny when wants. Just the right humor. Thanks
  • How does this just have 12k views ? Every Christian needs to hear this message
  • @ajmo4841
    Thanks be to GOD,for Godly men who can preach the truth of the gospel,and point out how it is talking to us all ! Pastor Begg knows the mind of us sinners and through the gospel shows us how to understand and follow it,for continued growth.
  • Outstanding. This message illuminated for me the potential for Judas in me & the many facets of life that contribute to the dispelling of the Gospel in my life if my eyes are not fixed on Christ
  • @Shylock0031
    28:52 - Lord let us not let things like this fester in our hearts!
  • @rhemalogos6896
    Wow - Pastor Begg never fails to deliver. Glory to God, halleljuia \♡/
  • Wonderful, an absolute blessing! .....to daily work out my Salvation with fear. Thank you Pastor Begg.
  • @ciroceron1035
    This is an OUTSTANDING message! Much conviction was brought upon me.
  • So true about saying, "That can never happen to me." Please be careful, my fellow Christians, it can happen in the wink of an eye. Living with sinful choices that last a lifetime; I hurt a lot of people.
  • Great message and definitely an eye opener. Sad but enlightening, powerful yet subtle. Not cool though when you see so much of Judas in yourself that it makes you wonder…
  • @wayward54
    If you have listened to this to the end, realize that God is performing heart surgery on you. I hope you recover fully. Think you Lord for giving us this grace.