Indonesia Working on Dollar Pressures: Finance Minister

Published 2024-04-18

All Comments (21)
  • @bebektempur12
    She really understands that the USD will not jump higher because Indonesian exports are still high. It is clear that this position is increasingly profitable for Indonesian finances domestically
  • She answers like an AI. She knows what she is doing. I know that people look down on her back then, now she is the economy guru in Indonesia. So proud of her. Semangat Bu!
  • @ardtob
    Nah Tim Cook is just doing PR stunt coming to Indonesia. He build apple manufacturing industry in Vietnam, which is much cheaper and can still access Indonesian market through the ASEAN free market policy. So he just invest some pennies for so called 'academies' for good PR here. But that's it. They won't invest much in Indonesia, just as many other big foreign companies. They only treat Indonesia as consumer market.
  • As an Indonesian, I think Indonesia should use all means to decrease it's dependency imported products wherever possible, especially on the foods and fuels. ✌🏻
  • @tifta7890
    Bu Menteri, one of the things that our goverment need to address is that how do you treat the middle class income here in Indonesia. Many goods consumed by the middle class, like electronics or certain foods, are imported. With a weaker rupiah, these goods become more expensive. This can lead to inflation and a decrease in purchasing power for the middle class. I do hope that the government can take steps to mitigate the negative impacts, such as subsidizing essential goods or providing tax breaks for exporters.
  • Hope that she will continue be Minister under the new gov ..
  • @kodokpink6169
    Sebenarnya tidak adil kita membandingkan usd dengan idr karena usd juga fiat currency (Fake Money). Seharusnya kita membandingkan idr dengan emas karena emas adalah uang yang sebenarnya. usd saja dibanding emas jauh melemah apalagi idr, yang anehnya kita masih menganggap baik-baik saja. Menurut saya ini bukan tentang inflasi, tapi tentang bagaimana kita sebagai individu melindungi diri dari inflasi sehingga kita tidak kehilangan daya beli (purchasing power). Yang paling berdampak dari inflasi adalah kelas menengah. Karena kelas menengah punya gaji tetap, tetapi apa yang beli terus meningkat. Anehnya, orang indonesia kebanyakan mengidolakan gaji tetap. Orang miskin dapat banyak bantuan di masa inflasi tinggi seperti subsidi, bansos, blt, dan sebagainya. Sementara orang kaya punya banyak asset. Semakin tinggi inflasi, semakin naik juga nilai asset-nya jadi tidak kehilangan daya beli. Korban utama adalah kelas menengah.
  • @jemmygho5900
    Strengthening for downstream for economy means more locally produced items. Pls make sure all imports especially illegal imports are eliminated since negatively impacted on local manufacturers. Make sure all raw materials imports also given free import taxes to make down stream goods cheaper than fully imported goods. This is to create more job opportunities as well.
  • @dansnasution
    Saya yakin Indonesia melalui Menteri Keuangan mampu .. Coba lah utk mendukung pemakaian mata uang di luar $US... Karena program RI harus Next 50 tahun SDA harus terjaga..dan termanfaatkan utk Bangsa dan Rakyat Indonesia
  • @Teacher.Taufik
    Selalu suka kalau dengarin ibu Sri Mulyani bahasa inggris. Bahasa Inggris nya dengan tetap menjaga kekhasan logat dan aksen Indonesia sangat natural tapi tetap terdengar knowledgable serta sangat jelas dan articulated. Gak berupaya untuk terdengar seperti bahasa inggris aksen luar negeri (amerika atau british). Ini contoh dari English as an International language (EIL)
  • @dechons_11
    I believe if Sri Mulyani said so. After cvd pandemic with her cold hand we can survive, especially for micro economic sector. Taxes gonna be a homework indeed, i can't say i am agree with the taxes policy. But let we see what will happen after the Indonesia's new government settle and US presidential election this year.
  • @RIRIani
    DAMN that's my best ministry so far I have lived!!!! Beside her personal moral value, she indeed is understand what she's doing. Only if she have more power, I REALLY HOPE ONE DAY SHE WANTS TO BECOME INDONESIAN PRESIDENT