Cerebellar Ataxia - Incoordination, gait difficulties, slurred speech

Published 2015-02-09
Learn more about improving speech and balance at APEX Brain Centers: www.apexbraincenters.com/

A local restaurateur discusses his battle with progressive neurological symptoms, a long quest for answers, and relief found at APEX Brain Centers.

Learn more about improving speech and balance at APEX Brain Centers: www.apexbraincenters.com/

All Comments (20)
  • @kayellen100
    A pray a cure for this happens soon. My dad was diagnosed with this disease in 1982. He was from a family of 8 children and all but 2 of them were diagnosed with this same disease. If I had any advice for anyone who has this, it would be to keep your sense of humor, stay positive, exercise as much as possible. My dad used a floor cycle also used hand weights. I would hold his legs while he done sit ups, etc. He also played video games well into his 60s. Lol. Awesome grandpa! He kept going, moving. It helps so much. God bless.
  • I've discovered that a Vitamin B1, thiamine, deficiency can cause cerebellar ataxia and just about every other disease. Please look up videos about taking high dose thiamine for this condition and just about everything else. It's absolutely essential for energy protection throughout every body system! High doses must be slowly worked up to to get things working correctly again. I hope this information helps somebody 💙
  • @dd4850
    Thank you for this. As someone with ptsd and a panic disorder I have a huge fear that there’s something wrong with me. You have filled me with more confidence that even if there’s something wrong, there is help. Really, thanks for sharing, I’m goin to make a doctors appointment and see what they think
  • I stopped taking aspirin daily 4 years ago to get eye surgery. 3 months later I had a cerebral mini stroke. That went away after I joined the gym but has now Emerged as Ataxia . Working out at the gym seems to keep it bay but if I get Injured it takes over my whole body. Trying to live with this. At least at 75 I will likely be the fittest man in the Cayman Island even if I can’t hit talk or walk some times!😊
  • @nizzy1057
    i had ataxia when i had mono in 2007. then i started to have seizures. the ataxia went away on its own but i still have trouble mentally (stress wise and ptsd) because i dont know why i had it and if it will come back. im glad i found this in case it does.
  • @beenaprem3159
    Four months back in june 2021 i developed ataxia symtoms am having dizziness all the time plus walking difficulty . Doctos prescribes only antiepressent medicines and in the begining i was given lot of vertigo medicines but my dizziness was the same with no head spinning at all.i am 65 years old lady . Nuerologist doctors are saying its caused by anxiety.but i think it is ataxia
  • @jzeest
    I had severe b12 deficiency (below 50 ) I had numbness and tingling along with acute slurred speech which went away in 4-5 days. Is it B12 only which is causing these problems or is it something serious ??
  • what I'll gonna do?I'm having same speech impediment.. but I'm afraid to do further test...how I'll gonna handle the reality? I'm so scared.. and having continues headache.. is this related? which one I'll gonna do?CT BRAIN OR MRI BRAIN?
  • I would love to know more about how you helped the dry mouth. I cannot take the dry mouth products at night due to acid reflux.
  • @carriefurr1
    @apexbraincenters Do you diagnose neurological conditions?
  • @saadatmond2362
    My son is ataxic as a result of myopathic opthalmoplagia. The diagnosis is Kearn Sayers Syndrom. He was ok upto eighth year of his life but after that he started falling down when walking. His condition has deteriorated and now he can barely sit in his wheel chair. Is there any way to help him become functional again. He is eighteen now.
  • Does ataxia cause the back of legs to spasm like vibrations when sitting or laying down?
  • @danilshaikh8810
    Hi doctor i am danil shaikh and i have a cerebrospinal ataxia so tell me the treatment for this disease
  • Same speech impediment I've developed over the last five years. No trouble balancing though.
  • @anusha8129
    Sir can ipscs technology cure cerebellar ataxia