What would you preach at the funeral of a suicide.

Published 2016-07-22

All Comments (9)
  • This is a tough one. I do t know how I feel about that message. I pray he’s right. All I know for sure is we all will be judged for our lives no matter how they end. I’m not the judge. I’ll put my trust in God who saved me.
  • @user-ks5iq1lf7f
    I've said this before on other channels. Not everybody agrees with this opinion of suicide. Well I am in so, so, so much physical pain. Due to serious injurys. It's been over 3 months and my pain is unbearable. My arms are getting weaker by the day. Can't enjoy anything anymore. Don't understand why God is letting me stay alive😢
  • @thedude9199
    Suicide is self murder. Killing is not sin as in war, self defense, accidental. Murder, including self murder is a sin. God does not place muder above other sins, remember Gossip is as witchcraft, lying to Holy Spirit led to the deaths of Annanias and Ziporah. God alone is just and merciful. He alone is sovereign. All souls are His (Ez18:4) and He alone will judge them. Our hope lies in His mercy. Are suicides in hell? Not necessarily. Just like the believer who struggles with being a gossiper or a liar, who deals with depression or fear is not necessarily in hell. The only message that should be preached is the Gospel. Dont coddle people with lies and false comforting words. Speak truth, and watch God do His thing
    The examples of Moses , Job , Jonah, Elijah and the like the Pastor gave in the sermon are an example of dispair but in the end...they never committed suicide. So, these are not good example to prove the case that committing suicide as a believr can keep you from hell. They are rather examples of believers who were distress and struggle with suicidal ideation but overcame it through God's strength in human weakness. SMH.
  • @Dazzle500
    It’s very odd to me that this YouTuber (not the pastor) took such a heartbreaking subject and made so light of it-and added all his antics to it to add drama. I lost my brother 28 years ago to suicide and I just found this to be a little disrespectful and discounting to such a serious and painful subject. This man could have done this without all of the extra antics and this could have been made good content but I can’t make it past the first 5 minutes of his screaming and arm throwing to even listen to it. Just my opinion that I’m sure I won’t be able to see any responses to like a previous commenter was stating -but I don’t care to, so no worries there!
  • @user-ks5iq1lf7f
    I don't understand what's going on with YouTube. I think it's the second time this happened. Someone gives a reply on one of my comments. But I am unable to see or read the reply. This is very sad and frustrating. I'm assuming YouTube is very rich because they belong to Google. Still they don't fix this problem. 😢 YouTube can you please please fix this problem
  • This is so sad to hear…. God did talk about it, open your bibles and read for goodness sake. Matt 7 what crash of life was Jesus talking about? You’re saying that their life circumstances was to hard for the Rock that they took their own life and had no faith in God’s promise? 2Cor 7:10 - directly shows the difference between godly grief leading to repentance and worldly grief that leads to death! What death? SUICIDE Judas committing suicide and John 17. Does this preacher preach the gospel for unbelievers and confirm if a non believer is in hell? I am grieved. Christ is our Rock and Shield and Cornerstone to us! You will not take your life. Did any of the apostles kill themselves? No! God covered it and not once did He say they go to heaven. I’m saying those who killed themselves were not in Christ because of the promises of God. You’re saying God is weak and that person somehow slipped through Gods Fingers. I’ve never been to a funeral where they stated the departed, departed to hell. All of them go to heaven.