One of the most damming accounts yet of Meghan Markle | Sunrise

Published 2022-08-01
Author Tom Bower joins Sunrise Live. Meghan Markle has been warned not to pursue legal action over a bombshell new book filled with damning allegations. "Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War between the Windsors" reveals shocking new claims about the rift in relationships between the Sussexes and other members of the Royal family. Author Tom Bower says he interviewed over 80 sources for the unofficial biography but it was "difficult" to track down anyone who would talk about Meghan in a positive light.

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All Comments (21)
  • As a black English woman, I abhor the weak, low lives who use racism as an excuse for their own shortcomings. Just look at the crowds on Meghan's wedding day. No racism there. Thousands and thousands of happy, excited people delighted at the idea that Meghan would soon be part of our RF. We did assume she'd done her due diligence and that she knew The Firm had a hierarchy and that everyone had to support the Queen, dress appropriately and above all, never ever make political statements.
  • @LoriManning
    The part about Meghan bullying Charlotte really bothered me.
  • Tom Bower is great, he always researches everything very, very thoroughly before he puts anything in a book. It is always a truthful, well researched book and a pleasure to read. Truth is always a delight to read as you know it's an honest account from many, many people. Well done, as always, Tom Bower.😊
  • @suzanx
    I lost so much respect for Oprah.
  • @ganymeade5151
    She is very good at making many people not like her. People who are like her like her.
  • @sharonc1326
    Aside from Me-again being the despicable woman she is, I am incredibly disgusted by Harry’s lack of backbone in all of this. What a weak man.
  • @Shaz6999
    Never in a million years will i forgive this cable tv actress for her many lies and treatment of our royal family,not to forget her behaviour towards her own father absolutely disgusting!
  • I applaude Tom Bower for having the intelligence and guts for writing , "Revenge". I am so glad that some people have the nerve and know-how to write the truth. 🥰 👏👏👏
  • How she could sit there and lie about the Royal family is appalling. She's cruel nasty and uses people and when she gets what she wants from you she kicks you to the kerb.
  • @shutyadish666
    All the people whom lined the streets for they're wedding, all those millions whom watched the wedding on TV prove it's not about rascism,
  • Smart Tom Bower! Since MM apprised her "friends" not to talk to Tom, he spoke to her "victims!" Sharp thinking!
  • He didn't lose his Father but he lost his Father's money pipeline lol!!!
  • Harry’s wife has a very sordid past: at least 2 ex husbands, time entertaining men on expensive yachts, allegations of prostitution, abuse of family members etc, etc. I believe that the Royal Family had her investigated for security purposes but didn’t want a public row with their very spoiled grandson, son and brother if he didn’t get his way. I wonder if he has buyers remorse yet or is he determined to “show them”. “Pride goeth before the fall” certainly describes this situation. It’s too bad that he has burned so many bridges and gravely hurt his family and lost the trust of the British and American people. The whole mess is a train wreck. It’s true that a wife can either make or break her husband. Everyone has seen or knows someone who has seen one partner in a marriage destroy the other. So many lies make it hard to trust a disgraceful woman like Megan.
  • @eveoakley6270
    I consider myself an empathetic, thoughtful person, but I can’t for the life of me feel sorry for this couple.
  • Any grown-up bullying a child, never mind a child as young as 3, must have something seriously wrong going on in their head
  • @aliciarios739
    She lies with such a straight 😔 face she's so good at it, even if I remember them saying she can pretend tears at a moment!
  • @mg4721
    Please don’t think all Americans are like her. We are mostly embarrassed of her.