10 Dumbest Ways Supposedly Badass TV Characters Died

Published 2024-06-11

All Comments (21)
  • The ending for Omar in The Wire was perfect, though. It was supposed to be shocking. It was supposed to make you mad. It was supposed to be random. Thats real. The Wire had some of the best writing of any dramatic series, including that scene. Omar couldnt survive the series. Not after everything he had done, and for him to lose his life to a random kid who had grown up around violence his whole life just made sense.
  • Tell me you didn't understand Mystery Spot without telling me you didn't understand Mystery Spot. That was the point, Gabriel/Loki is a trickster, it was meant to be a dumb death. That was... Literally the point. 👀
  • If you wanna talk Dean Winchester deaths, the final one was the worst. A freaking nail took him out!
  • IMO Omar’s death was extremely fitting. He was a player in “the Game.” And by the time of his death, he’d become a bit complacent. A boogie man who made the hardest run with a simple whistle, until someone didn’t. And it wasn’t just any kid that killed him, it was Kenard, a background kid who had a history of being sneaky and double crossing his friends. Sure, a blaze of glory ending would have been entertaining, but Omar’s shocking and ultimately meaningless death was the only way for him to go.
  • @PrinceIsot
    "Does this taco taste funny to you?" Always gets me 😂
  • "rocks fall, you all die" is a DnD meme of terrible DMing, and yet that's what GoT opted for. Madness.
  • @KSchorrWriter
    Don't think you understood the death of Omar. It was a poetic reality that a kid raised in the very streets he did, in the very life he had, killed him. Generation, cyclical trauma.
  • @GroundhogJay
    Oh come on. Dean has a stupid final death. Why did you choose the one that was clearly a joke from a Groundhog Day-style episode? The fact he went out from food poisoning amid everything else was hilarious.
  • The similarities between the deaths of Lexa and Tara from Buffy the Vampire Slayer almost seem like a 'cut & paste' job.
  • The criticism on the Wire misses the point so bad, it makes you wonder if they ever understood any of it
  • @GroundhogJay
    As a kid, I always hated how Locke died on Lost. But, as an adult, I think it makes darkly poetic sense. His entire life was defined by a lack of living up fully to his potential, making his death as wholly tragic as his life had always been.
  • @Dopecheetah
    Jax drove into a truck because that’s how his father went out. Jax was riding the motorcycle that his father died on. It was meant to be symbolic. Omar’s death sucked but that’s how the street goes.
  • @KitsuneRokaku
    Ummm... Pretty sure Madison came back in the final season of Fear the Walking Dead. But that's just lazy writing
  • @djmattblack
    Arrow Aka Oliver Queen being killed by a generic monster was a bit of a disappointment, even though he made the ultimate sacrifice it still felt a little underwhelming for such a big character
  • @HariSeldon913
    Henry Blake - Commands the 4077th MASH for longer than the duration of the Korean War, then gets killed in an offscreen crash over the Sea of Japan.
  • @sushiraq
    Also Andrea from The Walking Dead
  • @PemaChan
    What about the anti-climactic death of the supposed Moriarty in Sherlock as showbink the beginning of this video? Suicide? All of a sudden for no apparent reason but wanting to die because it was explained by Sherlock in the following season. 🧐 felt a bit ‘whelmed. Not overland not under. Just mĂȘh.
  • @gshaunsweeney
    You must have not watched Fear the Walking Dead. Madison came back in season 7 and survived the series finale at the end of season 8.
  • NO, NO. the Omar's death is full of meanings, poetical and show to us what volatile life is.