The Fansq

Published 2022-11-20
I made a slideshow video covering my Fansq characters. I will add to it as I draw more of these people. There is no speaking or music to this as I had to do this on my tablet and it inserts a regular "hiccup" in the audio for some reason, plus it has limited system resources and could crash if the file gets too large.

The majority of the Fansq you will see in this video are students who were part of an ill-fated research group to traveled to a nearby star system to study the plant life on an uninhabited world. Not long after they were on the ground, got their camp set up, and had started examining the plants, three ships of 15 Pliq raiders each arrived. The Pliq are relatively new minions of the Dark Bloods, and they are brutal. One of their ships stayed in orbit while the other two landed near the Fansq encampment. The first thing they did was kill the flight crew, the teachers, and the male students, then secured the female students to a cable tether stretched between two "trees", having bound and gagged them so they couldn't run and also not scream their irritating defensive scream.

One student, Elí (the first one you will see), was able to hide long enough until it got dark before she snuck past the Pliq and climb into the lander, locking the hatch behind her. Elí, who has had zero training in landing craft, managed to send out a distress call. As soon as the Pliq discovered that someone was still loose, two raiders immediately tried to gain access into the lander. Elí, hearing them banging on the outside, frantically started pushing buttons in the control cabin and got the lander to lift going straight up at full throttle. The two Pliq who were still on the boarding ladder did not survive long. The third Pliq ship that was in orbit immediately began to give chase as Elí luckily headed away at an angle perpendicular to the system's plane of ecliptic.

EW2 Cara Bronski, who was standing a late watch onboard S.F.S. Nightwing, SLG-78, detected the repeating transmission and determined that it was artificial in nature. The ship's Communications Officer, CWO3 Sylvia Stewert listened to it and then played the recording through her board and determined that it must be a distress call with an accompanying data stream. When it was shared with Shen-Lir'an on the I.E.S. Chel-Sar Se'nika, the voice matched an old dialect of a language that had been known to the Mûr Tua'ansa Star Empire, though had not been used for a long time.
Commander Tanya Dvoretsky, Nightwing's Executive Officer, made the call to go and assist, with the Se'nika following. Given the distance, it took just over six hours at full speed to arrive in time to offer assistance, hoping that whoever had sent the distress call was still alive by the time they arrived.
Elí and her surviving classmates were rescued by the crews, given medical attention, and taken back to their present homeworld with the lander in tow. They stayed for the funeral of those who had been slain by the Pliq, where they first heard Elí sing. The respect shown by the crews made a significant impression on the Fansq, who had known only harm by others after they had to abandon their ancestral homeworld many generations ago (a rogue star was going to cross their own star system, so they built "city ships" to leave in to find somewhere else to live).

There is much more to their story, and especially to that of Elí and Meyleh, who ended up traveling with the crew of Nightwing. Their part of the saga begins in book #2, "The Heart of Élendor", in the later chapters.

I hope you enjoy finding out a bit more of these people. :)

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