How To Effortlessly MANIFEST ANYTHING ~ Listen While You Sleep MEDITATION

Published 2023-12-17

How To Effortlessly MANIFEST ANYTHING ~ Listen While You Sleep MEDITATION

Intro: 0:00 - 6:15
Guided Meditation: 6:15 - 33:37
Manifest Affirmations: 33:37 - 3:00:00

Why does it always seem like, the harder we try, the more difficult things become? If you have ever tried to get fit or lose weight, we try so hard and put so much effort into avoiding those donuts for breakfast or that extra piece of dessert, will ourselves, early in the morning to wake up to go work out, only to find that our mind has tricked us into justifying that extra piece of cake and skipping a workout here and there until we are right back where we started. All that effort for nothing. Even when we are able to exert enough willpower to get fit and lose weight, willpower is a limited resource. Even if we are able to achieve something through sheer will, it is at the expense of other areas in our life, and as a result, we are unable to exert the same level of self-control in those other areas.
Or maybe this has happened to you or someone you know. They try so hard to find the right partner, the love of their life, trying to find a date, experiencing a string of terrible relationships, feeling like they are bound to be alone the rest of their lives, they finally throw in the towel and give up on love completely. Then, as if cupid is finally awoken from a lifelong slumber, strikes them with an arrow before finding the love of their life. What about when people try so hard to get pregnant, planning and timing every day for months and years hoping and praying for that next test to read positive, only to have their dreams dashed month after month. Then, when they finally give up and stop trying so hard, they suddenly find that they will be welcoming a new member to the family in 9 months.
Are these occurrences just coincidence, or is there something more to this?
Well, there is something called, The Willpower Paradox. Essentially it states that the harder we try, the more willpower we exert, the less likely we are to accomplish what we truly want. People do things better by focusing less directly on doing them, implying that the direct exertion of willpower and conscious choice is not the most powerful way to accomplish a goal.
Now, the best writers and songwriters in the world know this secret. The greatest songwriters know that they don’t need to take years, months, or even days to write incredibly beautiful, perfect, and unique combinations of harmony and rhythm, because they know that the more conscious effort they put into it, the worse the song will become. The greatest songs ever written, those songs that transform generations and touch the hearts of millions, are written in less than an hour. The best fiction writers in the world may have a general plot line to follow, though they never know where the story is going or how the story is even going to end until they write it. It is as if they are just as curious and excited as the readers are to find out what is going to happen next. This is because the writing, the song writing, the ideas are coming from somewhere other than their conscious awareness. It is coming from the subconscious. As they are writing, they allow the ideas to flow effortlessly into their minds before they write it on paper. All they have to do is provide the subconscious with direction, and the subconscious mind will guide them to their destination.
You see, our mind is much like a GPS. Once we type in the location we would like to go, the GPS then guides us by showing us the distance, the turns, the exits, and even the hazards to avoid until we have reached our destination. When we use our conscious mind to think about where we want to go in life, it is like us typing in the coordinates into the GPS of our mind. Once we have our coordinates set, our subconscious mind will guide us through every twist and turn, taking detours if necessary, avoiding any hazards along the way, until we reach the destination we first pictured in our minds. And because it all happens in the subconscious mind, it all appears seemingly effortlessly. There are two times of the day to type in these coordinates to our subconscious that will provide the most powerful results. In the morning and just as you are falling asleep. At those times, consciously think and visualize what you want, then, the rest of the day, allow the subconscious mind to guide you. Allow yourself to live in the moment and trust that you are being safely guided to your destination.
Listen to this meditation as you are falling asleep. You will be providing the coordinates for the GPS of your mind to follow. Guiding you to whatever you ask for, allowing you to manifest anything you ask for. Listening nightly will provide the best results as it will allow the thoughts and visualizations to sink deep into the subconscious.


All Comments (21)
  • Cool video, My relationship of 5 years ended a month ago. The love of my life decided to move on, I really loved her so much i can’t stop thinking about her and the memories we shared. I’ve tried my very best to get her back in my life, but to no avail. I’m frustrated, and i don’t see my life with anyone else. I’ve done my best to get rid of the thoughts, but i can’t. I don’t know why I’m saying this here, but i really miss her and i wish i could get her back.
  • I truly appreciate your channel. Thx much. Be Prosperous and Peaceful forever!
  • @Zshakira
    DAUCHSYYYYYY!!! I love your channel! Thanks for always posting! 💫✨
  • thank you so much for your time and effort 💙 love from 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪
  • @gennimae3710
    The pregnancy thing happened to me❤I gave up obsessing. 3 mthd later, I was pregnant and this one stuck🥰❤️ om 28 weeks, I commented last year after losing a baby on one of my favorite videos if yours and had much love in reply by your audience. Thank you Dauchsy 🥰🥰
  • Hello from California. Thanks so much for Great sleep meditations, Mr. Dauchsy. We definitely appreciate these excellent videos. Great voice. Happy Christmas . Happy holidays from Sally & Alex & Australian Parakeets Stars
  • @finksinatra1575
    I’m surprised more people don’t write on these. It makes the writing better and more profound.
  • @finksinatra1575
    Imagine sitting in your room or studio and making these videos. What a legend.
  • @arielmichael
    Hi Mr.Dauchsy! Thank you for this wonderful meditation. Really needed this. You are correct. The best songs are written in under an hour. Delores O'Riordan(RIP) wrote the Cranberries song "Zombie" in 10 minutes and it was their biggest hit! I am grateful to you!
  • @hagitcohen1935
    This is wonderfull. Can you do a walking meditation for manifestation ❤❤